
Focus Areas

Our independent analyses of the complex interactions among co-evolving systems aid decision-makers in confronting multiple, interwoven challenges.

Changes and risks to interconnected land, ocean, atmosphere and biosphere systems
Changes and risks to managed agriculture, water, land and energy systems
Physical and transition risk; adaptation and resilience to climate change and extreme events
National and global projections of the future energy mix; prospects for different sectors and technologies
Environmental and economic change under different climate, air pollution, and economic policies
Science and policy studies at subnational, national and multinational levels
Potential tipping points and transition states of Earth and human systems

Research Tools

Our state-of-the-art models and analytical methods project global and regional changes and potential risks under different policy scenarios.​

Simulates the interplay between Earth and human systems

Simulates physical, dynamical and chemical processes in the atmosphere, land, ocean and cryosphere

Simulates the evolution of economic, demographic, trade and technological processes

Analytical methods to quantify uncertainty at global and regional scales

Our Greenhouse Gamble Wheels

Joint Program News

"We shouldn't claim victory that with this switch to electric cars, problem solved." (Source: The Cool Down)
In The News

MIT Joint Program Deputy DIrector Sergey Paltsev highlights lower climate impact of EVs over conventional vehicles (MSN, The Cool Down)

A split image showing an African woman farming in a lush field on the left and a large solar panel farm on the right.A split image showing an African woman farming in a lush field on the left and a large solar panel farm on the right
News Release

MIT Joint Program project to focus on food security in Africa under a changing climate (MIT J-WAFS)

Boston heatwave
In The News

MIT Joint Program Deputy Director C. Adam Schlosser offers his perspective on local, regional and global climate trends (Boston Globe)

Hydrogen-powered Energy Observer boat stops in Boston
In The News

Launched in 2017 in France, the Energy Observer operates as a mobile clean energy laboratory and as a demonstration of its onboard technologies (Boston Globe)