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This Date in MSTory

1907: John Wayne, who was mentioned in a host segment in episode 205- ROCKET ATTACK U.S.A.
1911: Ben Alexander, who was included in the list of prominent “doughy guys” shown in a host segment in episode 522- TEEN-AGE CRIME WAVE.
1913: Peter Cushing, who played Dr. Abner Perry in the movie in episode 1114- AT THE EARTH’S CORE.
1915: Sam Edwards, who played Red in the movie in episode 415- THE BEATNIKS.
1919: Calvin Jackson, who composed the musical score for the movie in episode 414- TORMENTED.
1923: Jean Sullivan, who played Naomi Sanders in the movie in episode 1012- SQUIRM.
1923: James Arness, who was mentioned in a host segment in episode 311- IT CONQUERED THE WORLD.
1926: Bruno Nicolai, creator of the musical score for the movie “Operation Kid Brother,” seen in episode 508- OPERATION DOUBLE 007, composer, musical director and orchestrator for the movie in episode 1113- THE CHRISTMAS THAT ALMOST WASN’T and musical director for the movie in episode 1013- DIABOLIK.
1926: Miles Davis, who was mentioned in a host segment in episode 510- THE PAINTED HILLS.
1930: Anthony “Tony” Cardoza, who produced and starred as Harry Rowe in the movie in episode 609- THE SKYDIVERS, produced and pllayed “the artist” in the movie in episode 209- THE HELLCATS, produced and starred as Landis (and also played Castro) in the movie in episode 619- RED ZONE CUBA, produced and starred as the KGB driver in the movie in episode 621- THE BEAST OF YUCCA FLATS (he was also editor of the movie).
1937: Ingrid Goude, who played Ann Craigis in the movie in episode 407- THE KILLER SHREWS.
1949: Hank Williams Jr., who was mentioned in host segments in episodes 304- GAMERA VS BARUGON and 1006- BOGGY CREEK II: AND THE LEGEND CONTINUES.*
1949: Dan Pastorini, who played Hans in the movie in episode 1205- KILLER FISH.*
1951: Astronaut Sally Ride, who was mentioned in a host segment of episode 1109- YONGARY MONSTER FROM THE DEEP.
1956: Barbara Stock, who played Udea in the movie in episode 1110- WIZARDS OF THE LOST KINGDOM.*
1963: Tami Bakke a.k.a. Tamara Clatterbuck, who played Fantazia in the movie in episode 907- HOBGOBLINS.*
1965: Kami Asgar, who was in charge of post-production sound for the movie in episode 1001- SOULTAKER.*
1966: Helena Bonham Carter, who was mentioned in a host segment in episode 524- 12 TO THE MOON.*
1995: Animation director Isadore “Friz” Freleng. A portion of Freleng’s 1951 cartoon “Canned Feud” can be seen in the background in a scene from the movie in episode 615-KITTEN WITH A WHIP.

1959: Joe Gilbert (age 56), who played a wedding guest in the movie in episode 105- THE CORPSE VANISHES, a bar patron in the movie in episode 203- JUNGLE GODDESS, a party guest in the movie in episode 808- THE SHE-CREATURE and a tourist in line in the movie in episode 602- INVASION U.S.A.
1971: Bokuzen Hidari (age 77), who played the old man in the movie in episode K05/302- GAMERA.
1972: Jesus Murcielago Velazquez (age 62), who played Dr. Krupp’s henchman in the movie in episode 102- THE ROBOT VS. THE AZTEC MUMMY.
1976: Philosopher Martin Heidegger (age 86), who was mentioned in a host segment in episode 812- THE INCREDIBLY STRANGE CREATURES WHO STOPPED LIVING AND BECAME MIXED-UP ZOMBIES!!?.
1978: Henry Hite (age 63), who played the monster in the movie in episode 421- MONSTER A-GO GO (even though there WAS no monster).
1980: Franz Bachelin (age 84), production designer for the movie in episodes 411- THE MAGIC SWORD and art director for the movie in episode 523- VILLAGE OF THE GIANTS.
1983: Charles Keane (age 61), who played the Spacom operator in the movie in episode 109- PROJECT MOON BASE and the detective chief in the movie in episode 802- THE LEECH WOMAN.
1991: Eugene Lourie (age 88), director of the movie in episode 909- GORGO.
1992: Bob Labansat (age 53), who played Javorsky’s bodyguard in the movie in episode 621-THE BEAST OF YUCCA FLATS.
1993: Jack Priestly (age 66), camera operator for the movie in episode 513- THE BRAIN THAT WOULDN’T DIE.
2002: Ray Liotta (age 67), who was mentioned in a host segment in episode 904- WEREWOLF.
2003: Burr DeBenning (age 66), who played Dr. Ted Nelson in the movie in episode 704- THE INCREDIBLE MELTING MAN.
2012: Susan Kembrowska (age 72), who played a juror in the movie in episode 902- THE PHANTOM PLANET.
2020: Cindy Butler (age 64), who played Leslie Ann Walker in the movie in episode 1006- BOGGY CREEK II: AND THE LEGEND CONTINUES.
2022: Alan White (age 72), drummer for the band Yes, whose song “Owner of a Lonely Heart” was discussed in a host segment in episode 1008- FINAL JUSTICE.

1950: The movie in episode 201- ROCKETSHIP X-M has its premiere.
1959: The second part of the movie “Yusei Oji” featured in episode 816- PRINCE OF SPACE is released in Japan, its country of origin.

* = If this appears next to a birthday, this person is alive, according to the IMDB. If you can supply evidence that he or she has died, and when, please let us know.
** = If this appears next to a birthday, the IMDB indicates that the person has died, but the IMDB does not have a full death date (probably just a month and year or just the year he or she died). If you can give us the exact date (with some sort of proof we can check), please let us know.
** = If this appears next to a death date, the IMDB does not have this person’s full birthday. If you can provide it (with some sort of proof we can check), please let us know.
This Date in MSTory is written and compiled by Christopher Cornell, Brian Henry and Steve Finley with assistance by Tim Brown, Gordon Lawyer and many other Satellite News commenters.

This Date in MSTory is copyright 2024. © All rights reserved. Do not reproduce This Date in MSTory items in any form without express written permission from the authors.

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RIP Roger Corman

film director/producer Roger Corman, nicknamed “King of the Bs” and “The Pope of Pop Culture,” whose career in Hollywood spanned eight decades, died May 11. He was 98.

Corman movies blended with MST3K’s tone perfectly, and episodes featuring his movies were among the best.

Corman produced and/or directed the movies in episodes 311- IT CONQUERED THE WORLD, 315- TEENAGE CAVEMAN, 317- VIKING WOMEN AND THE SEA SERPENT, 406- ATTACK OF THE GIANT LEECHES, 503- SWAMP DIAMONDS, 511- GUNSLINGER, 618- HIGH SCHOOL BIG SHOT, 701- NIGHT OF THE BLOOD BEAST, 703- DEATHSTALKER AND THE WARRIORS FROM HELL, in 1104- AVALANCHE, 1203- LORDS OF THE DEEP, 806- THE UNDEAD, THE DAY THE WORLD ENDED (riffed by fans in Sci-fi Channel’s “MST3K: The Home Game”) and DEATHSTALKER II, featured in the 30th Anniversary Tour in 2018. He also appeared in an uncredited role as a corporate executive in the movie in 1203- episode LORDS OF THE DEEP.

The New York Times has a look back.

Thanks to Tim for the heads up.

The Mads Are Back (With Special Q&A Guest Julie Klausner)

Join The Mads on Tuesday, May 14 at 8 PM Eastern for “The Wizard of Mars” followed by a live Q&A with guest Julie Klausner (creator of Hulu’s “Difficult People” and host of the “Double Threat” podcast). Buy your tickets here.