Your Spirit In The Desert!

Connect, Refresh, Renew in Carefree. All are welcome here.

Location Details

7415 E Elbow Bend Road Carefree, AZ 85377

New Touchpoints

Touchpoint: Valley of Dry Bones; image of skeletons on a desert floor

Dem Bones

“‘Do you see just dry bones? Or something more? Do you see the potential for new life? Or simply the wreckage of history? Do you see the bones coming together in a new way? Do you see the breath of Spirit in them? What is it you see, when you look at this world that seems only full of dry bones?’ Where I so often think I am looking at a world of dry bones, they were able to see a place of life-giving Spirit. Where I so often think I am looking at a world of dry bones, they were seeing a place that God has already put the Spirit within, and is alive.”
Touchpoint: Eternal Life. Watercolor of Jesus walking into heart-shaped clouds with cross in the distance

All in One and One in All

“Love has its source in God, because God is love. To love one another, means the source of love I offer the world, is also from God. If love is too much a burden to engage for me, then I have not come to know God, the source of all the love I have access. How can I understand a command to love my enemies, when I am not aware of the source of all love? Love would in some cases be a heavy burden because on our own, we have a limited capacity for love.”
Touchpoint: Abide in My Love; mosaic image of two hands folding a heart

The Way to Complete Joy

“Jesus provided the greatest command for living a life of joy, friendship, and love. He basically said, ‘I am welcoming you to abide in the agape (love of God). Bask in it and breathe it in. Be in awe of it then welcome (agapao) others. Do this as you are abiding.’”

Spirit Blog

Daily Devotions

I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.” vs. 12 John 16:8-15 While the situation is certainly different, Jesus sounds very much like a savvy parent as he says good-bye to the disciples and sends them off into the world. He could have said a lot more to them, but they wouldn’t understand until they had lived into a place where their ears would be opened. Some of us have had the same…

Daily Devotions

Nevertheless I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.” vs. 7 John 15:26-27, 4b-7 This text is from a part of John’s gospel known as the final discourses. Set in the context of the last supper, after the departure of Judas, they are a summary of what Jesus wanted his…

Daily Devotions

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.” vs. 26 Romans 8:26-27 Praying can be easy! It doesn’t take much planning or thought to pick a table prayer to use before each meal, and often at other times we have our regular list of people–we pray for them every day, often in the same order. Occasionally we even…

My First Visit

We welcome you to explore the campus…

I came for the Healing of Memories workshop for veterans, and I almost didn’t come because of the trauma I wrestle with, but your staff, the workshop leaders and the quiet and safe campus held me there and I’ve found a new sense of peace and healing.

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The Next Big Thing

Healing of Memories for Religious Leaders

A retreat for religious leaders who have experienced emotional, psychological and spiritual distress in their personal or professional lives — facilitated by the Institute for Healing of Memories — is coming June 3-6, 2024.