Open Thread

Climate Change Weekly #508: On Extreme Weather, the More We Learn, the More We Know How Little We Knew Before (and Still Don’t Know)

The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.

L A Times Editorial on How to Fight “Skyrocketing Electric Bills” Conceals Hugely Failed California Government Electricity Market Debacles

California’s government meddling in electricity markets has for decades been systematically driving up the state’s electricity prices hugely beyond increases being experienced elsewhere across the U.S.

Drill, baby, Drill: Trump Raises $12 Million in Silicon Valley, by Promising Cheap Energy to Power the AI Revolution

Big Tech is openly rebelling against Biden’s roadmap for energy destitution.

Science of Heat Waves Reveals Blaming CO2 is a Scam! 

To blame heat waves on rising CO2, alarmists must use statistical attribution tricks.

The Met Office is Gaslighting Us With its Claim that Our Damp and Chilly May Was “Warmest on Record”

…a metric that can mean anything means nothing. It is a junk statistic.

The Truth about Wind Power and the 2022 UK Gas Crisis

There is a pervasive belief among green policy adherents that wind power saved the UK hundreds of millions during the natural gas crisis brought on by the disruption of gas…

UN Chief Calls for Governments to Censor Fossil Fuel Advertisements

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres called for governments to ban fossil fuel advertising during a Wednesday speech at the Museum of Natural History in New York City.

Climate Policy Should Not Be Used to Determine Limits on Hospital Emissions

The politics of the climate movement must never take precedence over patient safety!

The WEF Denies Demanding the Arrest of Climate Deniers

An AAP Factcheck, a few wild claims, and an Andrew Doyle interview with British environmentalist Jim Dale which appears to have taken on a life of its own.

Shore Acres Floods — of course it does

“In the Shore Acres neighborhood of St. Petersburg, rising water has become a constant threat. Many residents cannot afford to elevate their homes or move.”

Scientific integrity and U.S. “Billion Dollar Disasters”-Roger Pielke

Roger Pielke Jr has long challenged the fraudulent “billion dollar” disaster disinformation campaign.

Industrial Wind Power: A Depleting Resource?

Getting wind projects built is getting a lot harder. The low-hanging fruit, the easier access places are gone.

Natural Gas Fuels Prosperity of Canadian First Nations Communities

Obsessed with the faux climate crisis, the Canadian government in Ottawa seemingly discounts altogether the social and economic benefits of natural gas to First Nations communities of the country’s western…

New Data Show Svalbard Polar Bears are Fatter than They Were in 1993 Despite Continued Low Sea Ice

…polar bears in 2024 were even fatter than they were in 1993 and litter sizes of new cubs were just as high, despite continued low sea ice in the region…

The Renewable Green Energy Disaster off the Northeastern US is Getting Worse

…this is less than one per cent of the Biden goal of 30 GW, with just five and a half years remaining until 2030.

DeSmog: Climate Denier Nigel Farage Took Money from Big Oil, to Campaign for Cheaper Energy

Is DeSmog trying to provide reasons for ordinary Britons to vote for Farage?

Author Of New Paper: No AMOC Collapse…”Should Dissuade People From Climate Doomism”

This is good climate news that will hopefully dissuade people from climate doomism.”

Getting Ready For The European Elections

All these moves result from political push-back from the masses as the costs of the supposed green energy transition increasingly manifest themselves. Lots more of this is coming, as it…

Freedom Advocates are the Right Whale’s Best Hope

Only we who value freedom are left to defend the whale. We are its best hope for survival.

Aussie Government Grudgingly Retreats from Dictating Content Moderation to the Entire World

“… the online watchdog “considered this option (abandoning legal action) likely to achieve the most positive outcome for the online safety of all Australians, especially children”. …”

Guardian: “The Day After Tomorrow” at 20 is a “Prescient Ecological Warning”

A compelling work of fiction which a lot of people took way too seriously is “prescient” – has the Guardian finally said something we can agree with?

Sea Surface Temperature Blues

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Over in the X-Twitterverse, I see that Roger Hallam (@RogerHallamCS21) is doing his very best to scare people. Here’s his xtweet: If ever there was…

BREAKING: The First Domino Falls on EV Mandates in Virginia

For Immediate Release: June 5, 2024Contacts: Office of the Governor: Christian Martinez, Governor Glenn Youngkin and Attorney General Jason Miyares: Virginia Will Exit California Electric Vehicle Mandate at End of Year…

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