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Grainy image of someone filling up a large bucket with Coca-Cola from a soda fountain

Coca-Cola Real Refills

Photo of the Colombian national football team lined up, hands on heart, for the National Anthem. Above each player is a graphic of a yellow ball with a blue number inside it, akin to a lottery ball, corresponding to their jersey number

Cerveza Aguila The Beer Lottery

A photo of an elderly woman sitting on a bench in a subway station. She is next to a large advertisement, that shows an instagram post from a account "marinaprieto1923" with the caption: Paseando pola costa ao grande coa miña Critiniña, e que millow! #aboa #estila #99anos #ribeira #tvg #grandmastile

JCDecaux Meet Marina Prieto

Close up of an elderly woman

Dr. Max Inescapable Room

Diagonal collage of 6 people outside at night, holding up a white card with a red L on it

Volkswagen VW Night School

Close up of a Thai woman

Vaseline Transition Body Lotion

Pencil-drawn image of a zebra against a snowy backdrop

Faber-Castell Shot on Faber-Castell

Two cartoon testicles, smiling at each other while sitting on a pregnancy test

Alba Foundation Test-icles

A pineapple covered in deep fried breading on a table in front of a person whose hands are on the table next to the pineapple

KFC Make it KFC

Overhead shot of a man, with male pattern baldness

Burger King The Bald Thru

Close up of a young professional man in a suit

Halls Breathe Through It

Old photo of young girl wearing a pink headband

GLAAD Protect This Kid

Grainy image of someone filling up a large bucket with Coca-Cola from a soda fountain

Coca-Cola Real Refills

Photo of the Colombian national football team lined up, hands on heart, for the National Anthem. Above each player is a graphic of a yellow ball with a blue number inside it, akin to a lottery ball, corresponding to their jersey number

Cerveza Aguila The Beer Lottery

A photo of an elderly woman sitting on a bench in a subway station. She is next to a large advertisement, that shows an instagram post from a account "marinaprieto1923" with the caption: Paseando pola costa ao grande coa miña Critiniña, e que millow! #aboa #estila #99anos #ribeira #tvg #grandmastile

JCDecaux Meet Marina Prieto

Close up of an elderly woman

Dr. Max Inescapable Room

Diagonal collage of 6 people outside at night, holding up a white card with a red L on it

Volkswagen VW Night School

Close up of a Thai woman

Vaseline Transition Body Lotion

Pencil-drawn image of a zebra against a snowy backdrop

Faber-Castell Shot on Faber-Castell

Two cartoon testicles, smiling at each other while sitting on a pregnancy test

Alba Foundation Test-icles

A pineapple covered in deep fried breading on a table in front of a person whose hands are on the table next to the pineapple

KFC Make it KFC

Overhead shot of a man, with male pattern baldness

Burger King The Bald Thru

Close up of a young professional man in a suit

Halls Breathe Through It

Old photo of young girl wearing a pink headband

GLAAD Protect This Kid

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