Saturday 31 March 2007

Super 8 wedding video DVD

Wedding videos aren't cool, they never have and never will be.

The main problem is that there are too many Spielberg wanna be's out there. There are a small hand full of people creating interesting wedding videos, but lets face it…there is only so much you can do.

Reel Sixty is rebelling against wedding videos, we want nothing to do with them. We offer our clients wedding films, capered on super 8 cine film. This is an attractive alternative to most of our clients as these days most people are repelled by the very thought of a wedding video.

Our super 8 wedding films are incredible, I can brag about this because I give all credit back to the format। Reel60 specialize in super 8 and we love the format, we are passionate about using it and keeping it alive.

For more info on our super 8 wedding DVD's:
>>Click here <<

Thursday 29 March 2007

Say no to Project and film...

The industry is full of super 8 project and film transfers and it seems to really miss lead people.

Clients should not be told they are getting a 'professional' cine film transfer when it's just some cowboy with a eBay projector and a cheep camcorder.

Don't get me wrong, project and film transfers have their place for home use. But the problem is that it is near impossible to get the right kind of results from it. Sure there are alternative solutions, like the movie stuff set up which is a far cry from project and film transfers. But in my opinion you just can't beat a proper telecine transfer....if you can afford it!!

For more info & prices on our cine film transfer serive:
>>Click here <<