Nine out of 10 Americans agree: May was a bad time to buy a home
Elevated mortgage rates and home prices are creating challenges for many homebuyers, and 86% said ...
by Matt Carter Jun 8
Is it time to debut your dual agency juggling act? The Download
How will agents master the delicate art of dual agency (and unlock double the opportunities), while ...
by Christy Murdock Jun 8
Clarence Thomas reports more trips with developer Harlan Crow
The trips were to the Indonesian island of Bali and the secretive, all-male club known as Bohemian ...
by Ben Verde Jun 7
Barry Sternlicht: Rents will go up, and it's Jerome Powell's fault
The billionaire head of Sternwood Capital blamed Federal Reserve chief Jerome Powell’s interest ...
by Ben Verde Jun 7
Recruiting wars continue as Coldwell nabs Compass agent
Vicky Yu closed more than $63 million in sales last year. Her move to Coldwell Banker comes as ...
by Jim Dalrymple II Jun 7


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