Welcome to Autism Inspiration

Working with a child with autism, Asperger syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Delay (PDD), Sensory Integration Disorder or PDD-NOS can be challenging but it is a labor of love.  For many the hardest part is not knowing what to do.  Tantrums, behaviors, routines, transitions, crowds, social situations even a trip to the store can seem overwhelming.  There isn't a miracle cure and there isn't a one size fits all solution.  Helping a child with ASD often requires a variety of techniques and approaches.

We have used Floor Time, Structured Teaching, the Wilbarger Brushing Protocol, the Alert Program, STARS, PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System), sign language, Social Thinking training, Augmentative Communication, ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis), Discrete Trial, PRT (Pivotal Response Training), OT (Occupational Therapy), Speech Therapy and a blend of our own techniques.  Throughout our site you will find a variety of ideas for using and combining these approaches  in your home or classroom to help your child reach his or her true potential. 

We will show you the tools and teach you how to use them.  On our site you will find more than 900 content items including lesson plans, games, group activities, sensory integration ideas, motor skills activities, social stories, and visuals with more to come in the weeks and months ahead.

We have a variety of sample content available for viewing and all of our content has been used successfully in home and/or classroom settings.  So join today!

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HowToLearn.com Top 101 Site

Avoiding Arguments with a Child with Asperger Syndrome

Almost all of the children I have worked with that have Asperger Syndrome (including my own daughter) seem to enjoy arguing, especially when you ask them to do something they don't want to do.  M... keep reading

Using Reinforcers

A reinforcer is a reward that is given for a correct answer or behavior. The hope is that by using the reinforcer you will increase a targeted behavior... keep reading

Using Snack Time to Build Communication

Snack time is one of the best times to work on a child's communication skills.  Food can be a very motivating tool to use to encourage children to improve speaking skills as they request items.&n... keep reading

Preparing for State Testing

Recently, I have received a number of requests for information on this topic.  State testing can be a big worry for both parents and teachers of children with an autism spectrum disorder.&nb... keep reading

Using File Folder Games

A file folder game is a game or activity that is on a file folder. All the pieces for the activity are usually stored in a pouch on the outside of the folder. You can make a file folder game for practicing just about any skill and they can be are a lot of fun for your child... keep reading

Using a Sensory Chart

Using a sensory choice chart is a fun way to help a child who struggles with making choices to choose more easily and try some new sensory activities... keep reading

Understanding Your Child's Negative Behaviors Part 1: Creating a Behavior Journal

First in a three part series on understanding the causes behind a child's negative behaviors and using this information to correct the behaviors... keep reading

Teaching a Child to Take Breaks

One of the best ways I have found for working with children on improving behaviors is the implementation of a break system. It will not solve all problems, but may eliminate many allowing you to focus on more learning... keep reading

Organizing Playtime
Organizing Playtime

Avoiding Over Stimulation Take a good look at your child's play area. How many toys do you have out and available for your child to play with? For some children seeing too many toys out may be too mu... keep reading

Making Choices

Making choices is part of everyone's daily life. We pick what to wear, what to eat, what we are going to during our free time or what we are going to buy. As parents we make many of these choices for ... keep reading