3 June, 2024
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THROWBACK THURSDAY: ‘When Is a Church Not a Church?’ (1967)

“When is a church not a church?” an Iowa preacher wrote in 1967. “A church is no longer a church when it becomes a club. . . . A church is no longer a church when it becomes a bank.” . . .

News Briefs for May 29

A “Not Too Old” one-day conference will take place in Joplin, Mo., on June 29 . . . also briefs from Great Lakes Christian College, Point University, and a new book by Rusty George.

Batesville, Ind., Congregation Helps Metamora Church Close with Dignity

One year ago, Metamora Church of Christ decided to shut its doors. Metamora’s leaders approached Jeff Stone and the elders in Batesville Christian Church. Would they help the church sell its building and make sure something good came out of a difficult situation? . . .

CEA Changing Name to Evergreen Church Planting Network (Plus News Briefs)

On June 1, the Christian Evangelistic Association, which has planted churches in the Pacific Northwest since 1961, will begin operating as the Evergreen Church Planting Network. . . . Also briefs about Mountain Christian Church (200th anniversary) and Northeast Christian Church (10 years of Love the ‘Ville). . . .

‘Entrusted’—ICOM’s President Shares Vision for 2024 Conference

“The ICOM 2024 theme of ‘Entrusted’ comes from 2 Timothy 2:2,” 2024 president Andrew Jit shares. “Jesus has entrusted to us the best news, the gospel, and we are called to preach and proclaim it to those around us, both in our Jerusalem and to the ends of the earth.” . . .

Longtime Georgia Minister, Christian Camp Enthusiast David Terrell Dies

David Terrell, 87, who served as senior minister with Cornelia (Ga.) Christian Church for 51 years and who started North Georgia Christian Camp in the 1960s, died on May 11, 2024. . . .

THROWBACK THURSDAY: Thistle’s ‘Seven Multisyllabic Mistakes in Preaching’ (1990)

In this “Epistle from Thistle,” the columnist and correspondent describes (in his own unique way) “seven multisyllabic mistakes, or ‘speaking faults,’ preachers or, I suppose, any public speaker can make.” . . .

Ministry Help Wanted

Recent postings: A director of campus ministry is needed at the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign). Stillwater (Pa.) Christian Church is looking for both a lead pastor and a youth pastor. Lexington (Ohio) Church of Christ is seeking a full-time senior minister. Norwin Christian Church in North Huntingdon, Pa., needs a full-time worship minister. Lycoming Christian Church in Linden, Pa., is seeking a minister of children, youth, and young adults. Michigan City (Ind.) Christian Church needs a senior minister. And more . . .

In This Issue

CIY’s Vision for Raising Up Tomorrow’s Leaders

Starting this summer, we will begin a multiyear process to ensure that every decision made at a CIY event is a resourced decision. . . .

Let God Speak: Restoring the Practice of the Public Reading of Scripture

When God’s people let God speak, lives are changed. . . .

The Christian Standard Church Report for 2023: The New Normal?

The pandemic caused some churches to refocus or redefine their ministry practices. . . .

Now More than Ever, Christian Colleges Matter

Here are three reasons we need stronger Restoration Movement colleges, now more than ever. . . .

Baptism: The Healing Plunge into Jesus’ Plea for Unity

I wondered, “What could I do as a local church pastor to exalt Christ, proclaim gospel truths, and heal hardened and hurting hearts?” . . .

Raising the Strongest Generation

The Youth Worldview Ministry of Connection Pointe Christian Church

+ The Lookout

June 9 Study | Deep and Hidden Things

The prophet Daniel believed that if God revealed the deep and hidden things, then they could be understood. . . .

June 2 Study | Knowledge and Understanding

The major prophet Daniel had the challenging task of balancing (or holding in tension) the knowledge he received from Almighty God and the knowledge he acquired from living in captivity. . . .

May 26 Study | Generosity

Second Corinthians 8-9 is the largest stewardship of giving passage in the Bible. After the rich discussion about the ministry of the gospel (2:14—7:16), Paul launched into this major teaching about giving. . . .

May 19 Study | Hope

“We have . . . an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands” (2 Corinthians 5:1). In hope we long for that forever home. . . .

May 12 Study | Perseverance

The apostle Paul knew much about perseverance, and he wrote more about this quality in 2 Corinthians than in any of his Epistles. . . .

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