
Current News

  • 2024-05-26 New entry visa requirement: Israel is imposing a new ETA-IL (Electronic Travel Authorization) requirement that Canadians (and most others) will have to apply for online for all travel from August 1, 2024. One should apply at least 72 hours prior to the flight. It will be a 2 year visa for multiple entries up to 90 days per stay at a cost of 25NIS. Canadians may be able to apply from July 1 onwards. Further details will be provided as they become available.
  • 2024-05-22 New e Brochure: Thanks to our talented volunteer, Steve N. we have a new PDF program overview pamphlet which you can see here.
    2024-05-14 Air program Direct Flights Canceled: Air Canada has once again cancelled their direct flights to Tel Aviv until at least August 6,2024 and are routing people through one of their Star Alliance partners via Vienna, Munich, Frankfurt, Zurich or Brussels.  We suggest you contact Air Canada ASAP if you have booked direct flights with them either for a refund or a flight via Europe. Another option is to take an Air Canada refund and rebook on El Al.
    2024-04-12 Travel Advisory:  Recent events could affect your travel insurance. Be sure to stay up to date with the Canadian Government Travel Advisory web site and check your policy.
    First Aid Training with Magen David Adom: Include an intensive first aid training program in your Sar-El tour. It’s now available via Sar-El Israel in collaboration with Magen David Adom. See the program calendar for specially marked program dates and read about the program here.
    New Fee Structure: Effective 2024-03-06 the Sar-El Israel portion of your registration fees have changed. They are now: ($120 USD for the first week plus $60 USD for each additional week). The Sar-El Canada portion has not changed. Applications already received by Sar-El Canada on the effective date are grandfathered at the previous rate.
  • Wartime volunteering;  Please click here  to read abut volunteering during the war. Due to the large number of soldiers being called up there is a shortage of beds at IDF Bases for volunteers. This means that you likely will be accommodated in one of two large tents (men and women separate) sleeping up to 30 people each. 

See older news below

Be sure to sign-up for the Sar-El Canada mailing list and check back here for the latest update on this situation. You can also help with your donation to Sar-El Israel by Donating here.

As always, don’t book your flights until you are accepted by both Sar-El Canada and Sar-El Israel.


Join the adventure as a volunteer in Israel!
Click Here to apply!

Help Israel
Escape the everyday
Work with IDF soldiers
Make new friends from around the world

Click here to Read what our volunteers say.



Virtual Events:

The Volunteering Experience

Sar-El The Volunteering Experience

Read about the latest Sar-El Canada volunteer experiences here.


In the summer of 1982, in the midst of the Galilee War, Golan Heights settlements faced the disastrous prospect of losing their entire agricultural crop. The majority of able-bodied settlers were called up for army reserve duty and entire farms, with crops already ripened, were left unattended, due to the acute manpower shortage. Dr. Aharon Davidi (z”l ), the former head of the I.D.F. Paratroopers and Infantry Corps, was then directing the Golan Heights community and cultural activities.

Touched by the settlers’ distress, he sent a number of friends as a recruitment team to the United States.

Click here to read more.


Early Volunteers Video:

1948 Volunteers

Sar-El Israel Links

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