
A classic indonesian two-mast schooner
for memorable sailing expeditions

Your peace of mind, our duty

Whether you have questions or just want to know more about what you will experience on an Mutiara Laut, our expedition leaders are here to help!

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Cruise The Archipelago

Embark on an elegant journey with our exclusive cabin offer aboard Mutiara Laut. Experience a tailor-made voyage, where each cabin showcases the finest Indonesian craftsmanship, ensuring a sophisticated and comfortable journey at sea.

Discover Indonesia’s diverse beauty on the Mutiara Laut, offering bespoke cruises to Komodo, Raja Ampat, and Alor. Celebrate the rich cultures, stunning landscapes, and vibrant marine life.

This exclusive offer is your ticket to a world of luxury and adventure, seamlessly combined for an extraordinary sailing experience. Embrace this unique opportunity to travel through Indonesia’s breathtaking beauty in unparalleled elegance aboard the Mutiara Laut.



Discover the spirit of Indonesia on Mutiara Laut, a classic schooner blending centuries of boatbuilding heritage with modern luxury. Each voyage offers an intimate glimpse into the country’s rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning natural beauty. Our dedicated crew ensures a unique and personalized journey, making every moment aboard this elegant vessel an unforgettable Indonesian adventure. Step into an authentic experience with Mutiara Laut, where luxury meets tradition in the heart of the sea.

Private Charter

From USD $10.000 / Night

Shared Cabins

From USD $690 / Night per Person

Rates & Availability

We are available for an exclusive & personalized charting trip, or renting a cabin for cost-effectiveness. Embark on the Mutiara Laut lifestyle your way!

Lifetime of Rare & Inspiring Journey Awaits

Our expert Reservations Team will help you tailor your dream Mutiara Laut holiday. Contact us and we will get back to you!

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    Discover Other Boats

    Check out other boat, Aliikai for the ultimate sailing experience

    View Aliikai
    A Product of YMA (White)


    Get 20% off on all cruises in June & July!

    Explore the wonders of Komodo National Park at a special price on cruises scheduled at:

    • 14 to 19 June Sumbawa - Komodo
    • 23 to 28 June Komodo (2 cabins left)
    • 4 to 9 July Komodo (3 cabins left)

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