Ephemeral Arts Connection, International Workshop in Sicily

What is it?
February 15, 2011, 12:27 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Ephemeral Arts Connection is an international workshop organized by Stardust* in partnership with international public and private institutions.


More info HERE



Everything is ephemeral, because everything is subjected to the flow and transformation of the life. Buildings, cities all forms of artworks, sculptures, paintings, music, theater, movies … The ephemeral is conceived as the link between the contemporary arts. Its transformative performance is related to the transformation of materials, their origins, application, cycle of life, death, recycling … the ephemeral is able to be a new experimental paradigm for sustainable development.

Arts’ connection

The value of the interaction between arts is strongly related to the dialogue between cultures. We do not need selective and rigid categories of arts and of cultures and we want to explore the richness of the combined value of arts and cultures working together. They’ll operate simultaneously, they won’t have limits or boundaries and they’ll cooperate at a new equal culture of making. On the footsteps of Watermill Center Laboratory founded by Bob Wilson, we learn the miraculous developing of global network transcending age, experience, social, religious and cultural backgrounds.

Why we started in Sicily

The capitalist model whose center of gravity is in the U.S. and in the northern hemisphere, has generated a resources’ depauperation. A model that has transformed “Europe as a territorial zipper and the Mediterranean area as a simple connector. The crisis we are passing trough is not just economic or productive and social but is, overall, the crisis of a cultural system and of a consequential planned system for the future […] The challenge in front of us, is to oppose to the mad core of the turbo-capitalism that has produced a flat and always similar architecture and transgenic cities […] the strength of a responsible and networking planning of the Mediterranean area. […] From South as main centre of the project and from Sicily it radiates a powerful energy of renewal. […] will be entirely involved in the “project for the future” that the Mediterranean communities are willing to accomplish, in a renewed pact between the city and the territory, the environment and the landscape.” (Maurizio Carta, Mediterraneo_Liquid Project) We can build a new development model, with new values. Sicily (and South) is taken as the hub of a new art’s development, the nerve center of economic, politic, social and creative growth. It has its roots in a meeting of cultures.

EAC Book

We are at the moment working on the Ephemeral Arts Connection Book. Not just about the workshop but also about the general concept and the projects related

Ephemeral in the world

Its successful past editions took place in September in Sicily, check out the results HERE (2010) , HERE (2011), HERE (2012) and HERE (2013).

1. The Ephemeral PILL: a two days event in Marsala. More info HERE

2. The EAC 2013 in Norway. More info HERE

3.The EAC 2016 in Barcelona. More info HERE