Manufacturing tailor-made agricultural equipment
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From advanced field processing to cutting-edge technology, Mandako is your partner in maximizing yields and optimizing efficiency.
Who we are
Mandako is at the forefront of agricultural innovation, dedicated to enhancing the efficiency and productivity of farming operations globally. With a commitment to quality and innovation, we engineer advanced agricultural equipment that meets the diverse needs of modern agriculture.
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Have a question?
We understand that you may have important questions about our products and services. Here we've compiled answers to common queries. If you don't find the information you're looking for, feel free to ask us directly, and our dedicated team will be happy to assist you.
What makes Mandako's products unique in the market?

Our products are designed using cutting-edge technologies and innovations, tailored to meet the needs of modern farmers. Distinctive for their high quality, durability, and adaptability to various working conditions, our equipment is an indispensable aid in the agricultural sector.

What types of equipment does Mandako offer?

Mandako specializes in a wide range of agricultural equipment, including land rollers, cultivators, harrows, and specialized machinery for precision agriculture, offering solutions for all types of agricultural work. Our product line is continuously expanding as our engineers are constantly seeking new solutions to optimize farmers' operations. For example, our recent additions include the REDDI series: Reddi Arm, Reddi Panda, and Reddi Lynx.

How can I select the right Mandako equipment for my needs?

To ensure you choose the equipment that best fits your needs, we recommend consulting with authorized Mandako dealers. Our dealers have deep knowledge of our product range and can provide professional advice considering the specifics of your operations and requirements. Additionally, visiting our website to review detailed descriptions and specifications of our products can help you make an informed decision before consulting with a dealer.

Can I customize the equipment through a dealer?

Yes, we offer the possibility of customizing equipment to meet your specific needs. Please contact an authorized Mandako dealer in your region to discuss customization options and find the best solution for your agricultural tasks.

What types of equipment does Mandako offer?

Mandako specializes in a wide range of agricultural equipment, including land rollers, cultivators, harrows, and specialized machinery for precision agriculture, offering solutions for all types of agricultural work. Our product line is continuously expanding as our engineers are constantly seeking new solutions to optimize farmers' operations. For example, our recent additions include the REDDI series: Reddi Arm, Reddi Panda, and Reddi Lynx.

How can I select the right Mandako equipment for my needs?

To ensure you choose the equipment that best fits your needs, we recommend consulting with authorized Mandako dealers. Our dealers have deep knowledge of our product range and can provide professional advice considering the specifics of your operations and requirements. Additionally, visiting our website to review detailed descriptions and specifications of our products can help you make an informed decision before consulting with a dealer.

Where can I see and test Mandako equipment in person?

You can see and test our equipment directly at authorized Mandako dealers. Our dealers offer opportunities to familiarize yourself with the products before purchase, allowing you to personally assess the quality and functionality. Additionally, you can view our products at specialized agricultural exhibitions held throughout the year. For a list of upcoming exhibitions, please visit our website under "News & Events".

I’m jas rb driver off loading here good service and friendly
Sergey Stadnik
Sergey Stadnik
The best company in its segment!
We purchased a new land roller and discovered that one drum was defective. The service guys came out promptly to inspect it and a couple days later replaced it. Excellent company to deal with. Excellent product. Excellent service. They make it right.
Curtis Sutter
Curtis Sutter
We've had their landroller for quite some time. Very heavy and well built. One might think that something as simple as a landroller would have little difference between manufactures, but it would seem those people have never tried a Mandako roller. They also stand behind their products 110% and are very easy to talk to and deal with.
Chad Ellis
Chad Ellis
You wouldn’t be disappointed with this company. I often delivered raw steel to them. And witness how they built their products. Staffs are awesome btw !!! 😃