Sunday, May 26, 2024

{ On the porch }

 I think in the last couple of weeks I've only missed one morning of my front porch sitting. One of my favorite things is listening to the birds. They're waking up and welcoming the day with what I think of as praise. I think of my Daddy... he loved the birds! He especially came to mind yesterday when I heard a mourning dove... he really liked doves. If you love bird watching and listening, you might want to download the Merlin app. It's absolutely free and all you have to do is hit the sound identify button and it'll pick up and list the birds it hears. It's so neat! Here are a few I heard this morning....

Hope everybody has a great SONday! 


Saturday, May 25, 2024

{ Mental Health Awareness }

 May is Mental Health Awareness Month. 

I was hesitant to post this, but I'm sharing in hopes of helping someone else. I struggle with depression and anxiety. The last 8 years have been so very difficult, especially the last 2 years and to be even more specific the last 6 months. I've had to set boundaries to protect my mental health and even my physical health due to battling high blood pressure. It's caused a whole bunch of other issues that are very personal. As a Christian we often feel so guilty for not being strong enough to overcome. Often, especially for me, I'm hesitant to ask for help or even prayer because of rejection, being brushed off and ignored, or simply the embarrassment. In the past few weeks, I've acknowledged that I am having trouble coping and I've asked a few trusted women to pray for me. I am feeling some better. My sleep is much improved and my energy is slowly increasing. I've started on B12 shots and finally got my BP under control. I'm still struggling with weight gain and turning to food instead of prayer and my Bible... but I'm trying to show myself grace in that area. My coping skills haven't been very good because I've been bombarded with so much the last little while. When things get bad I seem to withdraw and retreat...that's how I cope. And I realized just recently that I'm still desperately grieving the loss of Momma. Taking care of her took a toll on me physically and emotionally that some just don't seem to understand.

You might wonder why I'm sharing all of this. It's definitely not for one bit of sympathy. It's only because I want you to know that I can empathize and understand if you are struggling, too. I heard a pastor speak against taking anxiety meds... I want you to know that you do whatever you need to do to take care of yourself. Please reach out to someone. Private message me here or on Facebook. 
Just do not suffer alone... 


I love Y'all but God loves you so much more! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

{ Little Can Be Big }


It's the little things, Y'all.

I thought about this on Sunday when I received a text from my cousin wishing me a happy Mother's Day. After Jess was born, my Uncle Carl would call me on the morning of Mother's Day....every year.... to let me know he was thinking of me. That meant the absolute world to me. After he passed away, my cousin Greg took up the tradition and I started getting a text from him on that day. This past Sunday he remembered once again and it made my heart so happy to receive that text. 

Never, ever underestimate the power of a simple act of kindness. 
It can have an impact on one's heart for years to come.

Happy Tuesday, sweet Friends!