Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

<!– wp:prc-block/story-item {"title":"How Americans Navigated the News in 2020: A Tumultuous Year in Review","excerpt":"

Americans inhabited different information environments, with wide gaps in how they viewed the election and COVID-19.

“,”extra”:””,”link”:””,”date”:”Feb 22, 2021″,”image”:””,”imageSlot”:”top”,”postID”:385524,”headerSize”:1,”className”:”is-style-top”} /–>
<!– wp:prc-block/story-item {"title":"Attention to COVID-19 news drops, but Democrats still substantially more interested than Republicans","excerpt":"

The percentage of Americans following news of the pandemic very closely has slipped to its lowest level since the beginning of the outbreak.

“,”extra”:””,”link”:””,”label”:”Fact Tank”,”date”:”Mar 26, 2021″,”image”:””,”imageSlot”:”right”,”imageSize”:”A2″,”isChartArt”:true,”postID”:389446,”enableExcerpt”:false,”className”:”wp-block-prc-block-story-item is-style-right react-story-item”} /–> <!– wp:prc-block/story-item {"title":"Large Majorities of Newsmax and OAN News Consumers Also Go to Fox News","excerpt":"

While Fox’s audience spans ideologies on the right, its new challengers attract mainly conservatives.

“,”extra”:””,”link”:””,”date”:”Mar 23, 2021″,”image”:””,”imageSlot”:”right”,”imageSize”:”A2″,”postID”:388569,”enableExcerpt”:false,”className”:”wp-block-prc-block-story-item is-style-right react-story-item”} /–> <!– wp:prc-block/story-item {"title":"Cable and satellite TV use has dropped dramatically in the U.S. since 2015","excerpt":"

The share of Americans who say they watch television via cable or satellite has plunged from 76% in 2015 to 56% this year.

“,”extra”:””,”link”:””,”label”:”Fact Tank”,”date”:”Mar 17, 2021″,”image”:””,”imageSlot”:”right”,”imageSize”:”A2″,”isChartArt”:true,”postID”:387478,”enableExcerpt”:false,”className”:”wp-block-prc-block-story-item is-style-right react-story-item”} /–>
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