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5 Benefits of Homegrown Worship Leaders

In the ever-evolving landscape of church ministries, one role stands out as a beacon of authenticity and deep-rooted connection – the homegrown worship leader. More than just a musical maestro, these locally cultivated talents offer a unique blend of insights and advantages that can propel your congregation’s worship experience to…

21 Popular Young Adult Ministry Ideas & Activities

Keeping young adults engaged and passionate about their faith can be a daunting task. But fear not! We’ve got an electrifying list of 21 red-hot ideas guaranteed to breathe new life into your young adult ministry. From organizing soul-stirring worship nights and unforgettable mission trips, to hosting game nights that…

It Is A Privilege To Lead Worship!

From singing as a child in the congregation to leading worship for over 40 years, Mark Cole shares his profound connection to musical worship. Relating deeply to the biblical figure David, he bares his soul, revealing the profound highs of encountering God’s presence through music and the humbling lows of…

Tech Directors: The Unsung Heroes of Worship ⁤

Let’s be real, tech directors are the backbone of our worship ministry. Without them, we’d be drowning in a sea of feedback and awkward silences. Building Bridges, Not Walls Want to empower your tech director? Encourage them to build relationships like a pro! They need to connect with their team,…

Should Your Praise Set Be Before or After the Sermon?

I recently visited a church who prides themselves in always doing their praise sets after the sermon. In fact, the Sunday I visited, the pastor explained in great detail why they do this (does this explanation happen every Sunday?) –…


Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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