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Pets for People with Allergies

By: TerrificPets Editors

Of the millions of people across the country, approximately fifteen percent are allergic to animals, namely dogs and cats. Even so, many of these people with allergies chose to get a dog or cat, replace one after it died or keep the pet they already had although advised by their physician to give the animal up. Many people feel that allergies to their pets are a minor inconvenience compared to the joy and companionship of owning one. If you are considering getting a dog, but suffer from a pet allergy, become as knowledgeable about allergies as possible and learn about practical ways to manage your allergies so you can experience of pleasure of having a dog.…

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Piedmont, MO

German Shepherd Dog

Collie Content
Life Span: 14-16 years.
Litter Size: 6
Group: FCI Classification: Group-Sheepdogs and Cattle dogs. AKI Classification: As a Herding Group. Utilisation: As a Sheepdog.
Color: Both Rough and Smooth Collies are available in four standard colours, which are: sable and white, tri colour (which is mix of white, black and tan), blue merle and white.
Hair Length: Long
Size: Large
Shedding: Heavy Shed
Male Height: 24-26 inches i.e. 61-66 cm
Male Weight: 60-75 pounds i.e. 27-34 kg.
Female Height: 22-24 inches i.e. 56-61 cm.
Female Weight: 50-65 pounds i.e. 23-29 kg.
Living Area: Generally Collies are very active and energetic outdoors. However, they behave extremely inactive and lethargic indoors. They can live comfortably in an apartment also if they are properly exercised. They are at their best in an average sized area. Collies are very sensitive to heat so this should be taken care off. Whenever the weather is hot, give them a cover and lots of fresh water. They need to be protected, especially in warm weather.

About this Breed

Collies are medium sized dogs having a well-proportioned body. The head of collies is lean, blunted and wedge shaped which makes it appear light instead of heavy. The top of the head is flat. They have a well-formed, long, soft and round muzzle, which tapers to a black nose. The ears are in proportion to the size of their head and are 3/4 quarters ahead with the tips tilting forward. This breed has medium sized, dark, almond shaped eyes with the exception of blue merles that have blue or merle eyes. Collies have a stiff, muscular, and stout body, which is long in ratio to their height. The chest is broad and deep extending towards the elbows. They have strong back portion, which has the powerful backing of hips and thighs. The forelegs are straight and brawny with the hind legs, which are quite slender. The stifles and hocks are twisted well. They have comparatively small feet, which are nicely shaped and are closely placed together. These dogs have long tail with the bone reaching to the hock joint. The neck is very strong, clean and rigid and it makes the dog look physically powerful.
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