Ubiquitous Academicians

This post is not political

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Well, at least I don’t intend for it to be. See, I wrote my title before my post, which is something I rarely do. I figure, if I commit my title to being non-political, I can probably accomplish the same with my entire post.

Instead of politics, I’ll write about a book I read recently. The Five People you meet in Heaven, by Mitch Albom, was a rather provocative and interesting read for me. I won’t pen an entire review here. Rather, I’ll share some of the aspects that make this book both amazing and disgusting, simultaneously.

First off, I found the book provocative and emotional. Albom managed, in a bumbling way, to reach out and tell me a story which really provided an interesting viewpoint on life, death and what happens in between.

Note I said bumbling. This is because, in between some beautiful quotes and bits of action, Mitch writes like an overtired twelve-year old. With a hacking cough.

Anyways, it’s good to be back.

And I’ll point out that, although my ranting about the subject which is not in this post has been slightly excessive, at least it carried this blog along while my co writers were shirking.

Written by Ethan

May 25, 2008 at 9:41 pm

Posted in Books, Ethan

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The time has come, the walrus said, to speak of many things.

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I should warn you, this post will hardly be titanic in expanse. In fact, it exists simply as a reminder of my continued existence, a phenomenon many of you may be rather surprised by. My life of late has been weighed down by several pursuits, many of which I have enjoyed, and many of which I have not. All, however, especially when coupled with a prolonged bout of writer’s block and a lack of interesting topics, have served the dubious function of preventing me from adding my writings to Ubiquitous Academician.

I have, of late, began my education in the ways of saber fencing, which was a most exhilarating experience for one who has fenced foil most of their life, and perhaps a longer post on the subject is in order.

Also, I have for quite a while wished to write a pair of posts, on the subjects of open-source software and keeping one’s computer organized, both of which I hope to write and post soon.

Your writer

Written by Hawk

May 14, 2008 at 11:31 am

Posted in Blogging, Hawk

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The other day, I was preparing to structure a post condemning my writing partner, Ethan, for unjustly going after Hillary Clinton again and again, sometimes for what I consider to be minor faults. Then I realized something, something that is only furthered proved by her attitude during her most recent wins.

It’s all about the pride now.

Any candidate who had the good of the Democratic Party in mind would have, in Clinton’s position, stepped out of the race long ago to allow the obvious forerunner to hit the November elections with momentum and support. They would realize that prolonging the nomination is splintering and weakening the party. They would put their pride aside and do what is for the best of the Democratic Party.

Clinton’s not a candidate who has the good of the party in mind.

Even though she cannot win at this point unless she gets, perhaps, ninety percent wins in all the remaining states, she continues to pour money into her campaign and pretend that she stands a chance. The truth, however, is that she can’t stand to lose. She’s like an immature child in that she can’t accept lost, so she’s going to be sure to take her opponent, Obama, down with her.

This prolonged division in the party is allowing McCain to pull far ahead of both candidates (recent polls indicate that he would win against either.) And, at this rate, unless Hillary pulls out and throws support to her party and not her pride, we’re going to see another Republican—no, another Bush–sitting in the white house.


Your writer,

We really should write about something other than politics.

Written by Nicholas

May 14, 2008 at 6:28 am

Note to Self

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In case I ever forget, I’d like everyone on this planet to remind me – never, ever get the endorsment of Hillary Clinton, for anything.

Anything at all.

I didn’t watch it. But, I heard about it. At the Kentucky Derby, the horse that Mrs. Clinton endorsed had a bit of bad luck. Lots, actually. She ended up euthanized.

I’d recommend reading the full story here.

I feel terrible. I really do. It’s very unfair to the horse, that something like this should happen.

On a positive note, one of these days I bet I’ll think of something other than good old Hil’ to write about.

I just hope she doesn’t agree with me.

Written by Ethan

May 4, 2008 at 3:54 pm

Oops – she did it again!

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How does she manage? Now, judging by the fact that I parodied a Britney Spears title for my title (no, I don’t own the CD. I did once, for about three hours before I broke it up into tiny pieces and trashed it. No, I didn’t spend money on it – it was a “gift” which I valued approximately between argyle socks and a battered map of the Horn of Africa.) you must be thinking I’m referring to Britney herself. No, I’m not – I don’t talk about wacky celebrities. Instead, I’m referring to Hillary Clinton (Hooray! Another unfounded rant by Ethan about Mrs. Clinton!) who managed to win Pennsylvania.
Now, for a word on how she did it. Apparently, she won over the large body of blue-collar “Average-Joes” and their wives. How? Well, I’m about to analyze this.
Let me say, first off, if I was a Pennsylvanian Average Joe, I’d be severely insulted. While Mr. Obama went bowling and ate at a diner, Mrs. Clinton downed a shot of whiskey followed by a chaser of beer. How’s that for an idea? I bet Bill came up with it… “Say, honey, here’s a thought: These blue-collar guys drink a lot, don’t they? Wouldn’t that be a good way to make them think you’re like them?”
Right. Because I want a president like that in the White House. Like I want that Britney Spears CD.

Written by Ethan

April 25, 2008 at 9:53 am

And then there were three

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Hello all.

Of late, I have been offered the distinct honor of a place in the oh-so-hallowed order of the Ubiquitous Academicians, on account of my continual disability to post to Zealous Couch Potatoes, which I had until now called my blogging home. Let it be known that I hold no animosity toward Zealous Couch Potatoes, or its couch potato-in-chief, the illustrious Michael Allison, but, due to what appears to be a technical error, I can post there no longer.

I found myself complaining about this deplorable state of blog-homelessness to Ethan, who, as I’m sure you all know, is the co-owner of this blog, and he made the kind offer of a seat here. Drinks were not shared, politicians were not bribed, wars were not fought, and here I am.

Ethan and Nick forced be to sign a solemn oath that I would uphold the Ubiquitous Academicians standard of clever, intellectual blog posts, and I shall try as hard as possible to uphold this. I am certainly looking forward to my hopefully long and undoubtedly interesting tenure here.

I realize this post is rather brief, but I encourage you, the devoted reader, to await further material from both myself and my esteemed co-authors.

Written by Hawk

April 13, 2008 at 10:24 am