Do it yourself cat tree

 Building a cat tree does not have to be time consuming or require much previous experience. With clear directions and pictures you can save money and design your own preferred kitty condo style. 

You will love these cat furniture blueprints, there are so many choices to pick from. Many pages, even more pictures and diagrams, not to mention carpet hints, material tips, detailed step by step instructions and an in-depth look at cat tree assembly. 

The best part is how affordable it is. There is honestly no need to spend hundreds or buy poor craftsmanship from a local department store. I have a giant Persian cat and the tower is so sturdy it holds him no problem. 

If you are looking to build your own cat tree, this is one book you can't afford to miss! Read More!

Homemade cat tree materials

The wonderful thing about deciding to embark on creating your own cat tree is the hands on design you will have. You simply don't have these options unless you hire out for a custom created tree. You could use natural wood, a different type of carpet, an easily washed surface, or one that blends kitty fur nicely. Our cats are light colored so we chose one in that general shade.

Surface washable is an attractive idea for on the go kitties. You can add wool lining to the cat tower for added comfort and warmth. Half the fun is choosing the right fabric, texture, or carpet tube.
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Elegant kitty cat jungle gyms

This generation of modern pet owners is much different than the last. Thanks to more places to shop and the internet, the choices are virtually unlimited. All of these options allow newer cat owners to have a tasteful sense of aesthetic that can afford to be choosy when picking cat furniture.

Elegance is key when it becomes time to make a purchase for our furry friends. Kitty jungle gyms are no exception, and I would consider them among one of the more serious investments a pet owner can make. For one, they tower over much of the other furniture in a home, easily 5 or 6 feet tall. Carpet choice, texture, and design can either add to the interior's atmosphere or detract.

A cohesive and unified design will ensure that your friend's new spot to call their own will add an element of life and interest to a room. Remember, a kitty prefers socialization, don't fall into the myth that a cat's independence negates their constant desire for passive and full-on interaction.

A beautiful cat tree will add hours of fun and peaceful relaxation for you and your pet. A smart option would be building your own cat tree so you have full control in the furniture's design direction while keeping your cat's preferences in mind.
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Building unique cat tree designs

Since no two cats are alike, it makes sense that you would choose a blueprint plan for your cat tree based around your cat's personality. If they are more playful and young, they will appreciate a tower that takes advantage of nooks and crannies, as well as small condos or beds to sleep or play hide and seek in. Hideways are a great choice for curious kittens.
There are lowrise cat tree plans if your kitty tends to be a little more lowkey, though in my personal experience all cats enjoy the thrill of climbing or jumping to the top of highrise fixtures.

The directions from these construction plans include step by step carpet cutting and sisal rope post wrapping, which your cat will appreciate and make use of often. These materials are made for longevity, look nice in the interior of the home, and pets adore scratching sisal. Adding catnip and dangly toys is always a fun idea.

The blueprints have several unique base designs and architecture plans, allowing you to easily build a cat jungle gym that fits your cat's lifestyle most. I love the clear instructions, visual aids, and material diagrams. Read More!

Why your cat needs a cat tree

Every pet-owning family can benefit from a kitty condo. Cats, by nature, are climbers, they like to be up high near social areas of the home. They will sleep, watch, scratch, and play on the cat furniture you provide. Older cats as well as kittens love these, and seem to instinctively know that it belongs to them. This vertical space is especially useful in apartments or smaller homes, while larger houses can afford an ideal area for an addition, such as by window.

Cat trees are often expensive if you want a well made one that will withstand the wear normal cat play can cause. Wooden ones will last indefinitely, and PVC is another good choice. Cardboard cat furniture tend to litter department store shelves and I would recommending avoiding these as they will break very quickly.

Despite sleeping up to 18 hours a day, cats need daily exercise and a climbing tower is a fantastic way to encourage that. A DIY cat tree will also provide a retreat from other family pets, a feeling of safety, an outlet for scratching, and most of all a place for a cat to claim as theirs.

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