Personality Disorders
Thursday, December 04, 2003
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Personality Disorders:

1. Anankastic Personality traits may be associated with significant family distress T
2. Anankastic Personality traits are commonly associated with early toilet training F
3. Anankastic Personality traits may be advantageous T
4. Anankastic Personality traits may predate a depressive illness T
5. Anankastic Personality traits are associated with OCD F
6. Characteristic features of dissocial personality disorder include absence of neurotic symptoms F
7. Characteristic features of dissocial personality disorder include above average mortality T
8. Characteristic features of dissocial personality disorder include a good response to group therapy F
9. Characteristic features of dissocial personality disorder include inability to form deep interpersonal relationship T
10. Characteristic features of dissocial personality disorder include a lack of remorse T
11. Projection is the key psycho-dynamic defence mechanism in patients with paranoid personality disorder T
12. Overvalued ideas may occur in patients with paranoid personality disorder T
13. Introspection is a recognised feature of paranoid personality disorder F
14. paranoid personality disorder is a predisposing factor for schizophrenia F
15. Munchausen syndrome was named after Dr munchausen F
16. The primary disorder in Munchausen syndrome is that of personality disorder T
17. Personal history is unimportant in the Munchausen syndrome aetiology of F
18. Confronting the patient is not recommended in Munchausen syndrome F
19. Self-discharge should be discouraged in patients suffering from Munchausen syndrome T
20. In paranoid PD there may be a grandiose sense of self importance T
21. In paranoid PD there may be sensitive ideas of reference T
22. In paranoid PD there may be questioning the sexual fidelity of the spouse without justification
23. In paranoid PD there may be a tendency to enter legal battles T
24. In paranoid PD there may be occasional persecutory delusions F
25. Characteristic features of anankastic PD include making decisions held rigidly in the face of contrary evidence T
26. Characteristic features of anankastic PD include inability to feel strong emotions T
27. Characteristic features of anankastic PD include difficulty in expressing tender emotions spontaneously T
28. Characteristic features of anankastic PD include admiration for orderliness in others F
29. Characteristic features of anankastic PD include sensitivity to criticism F
30. Features of borderline PD include repeated DSH T
31. Features of borderline PD include impulsivity T
32. Features of borderline PD include lack of remorse F
33. Features of borderline PD include feeling empty & bored T
34. Features of borderline PD include outbursts of anger T
35. Typical features of schizoid personality include a tenacious sense of personal rights F
36. Typical features of schizoid personality include withdrawal from social contact T
37. Typical features of schizoid personality include avoidance of competitive situations T
38. Typical features of schizoid personality include intemperate outburst of anger F
39. Typical features of schizoid personality include a tendency to distort friendly action of others as hostile F
40. Paranoid PD is characterised by proneness to jealousy
41. Paranoid PD is characterised by excessive sensitivity to humiliation T
42. Paranoid PD is characterised by preference for fantasy & Introspection F
43. Paranoid PD is characterised by a need to check repeatedly F
44. Paranoid PD is characterised by marked pessimism & sense of futility F
45. Specific behaviour may be confidently predicted following formal personality assessment F
46. Longitudinal studies have demonstrated a consistency in antisocial personality trait overtime T
47. A consensus has been reached regarding core features of personality F
48. Environmental factors are at least equal to dispositional ones in determining specific behaviour T
49. Certain body shapes predict psychiatric illness F
50. Multiple personality disorder is classified in DSM IV but not in ICD 10 F
51. In Multiple personality disorder 2 personalities is a commoner form T
52. In Multiple personality disorder the personalities are usually aware of the existence of the other F
53. In Multiple personality disorder often suffers fulfil the criteria for dissocial PD or substance misuse T
54. Multiple personality disorder has only been described in the last 25 years F
Multiple personality disorder is of unknown cause. Often a psychiatric diagnosis co exists & there is a wide range of psychopathology. 2 personalities are common although there may be more. Although transition from one personality to another is quick, the 2 personalities are not aware of each other’s existence. It is classified under Dissociative disorders along with Ganser’s syndrome.

55. In personality theories cognitive appraisal by the individual of their situation is excluded from consideration F
56. The repertory grid is a standardised personality test presented in the same form to individuals F
57. Cattell’s personality factors include environmentally determined ones T
58. In rating scales the halo effect may result in a person being rated unfavourably because of a poor impression made on 1 or 2 traits T
59. Identity diffusion is a characteristic of emotionally unstable PD T
60. Non epileptic or pseudo-seizures are usually due to a histrionic PD F
61. Echolalia is a characteristic feature of hysterical PD F
62. Ideas of reference is a feature of borderline PD T
63. Impulsivity is a feature of borderline PD T
64. Disturbance of ID is a feature of borderline PD T
65. Preference for being alone is a feature of borderline PD F
66. Heritability of a personality trait is measured by Eysenck personality inventory F
67. Heritability of personality trait indicates how much of the trait in an individual is due to genetic factors F
68. The crucial factor in type A personality predisposing them to disease is not urgency or competitiveness but hostility T
69. Borderline PD is more commonly diagnosed in women than men T
70. Persecutory delusions are a characteristic feature of paranoid PD F
71. Failure of super ego development is suggested as one the core features of dissocial PD T
72. The prevalence of PD decreases with age T
73. Eccentricities of communication, behaviour & thought are features of schizoid PD F
74. People with anankastic PD can be inflexible & indecisive T
75. Diagnosis of PD has greater inter clinician reliability than organic & psychotic disorders F
76. Multiple PD is classified under PD in ICD 10 F
77. People with schizoid personalities may be successful in occupations requiring solitary work T
78. Depressive disorders should not be diagnosed in a person with borderline PD F

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