
Copy That Actually Gets Read

Horrible ads. They’re everywhere. Billboards with entire paragraphs on them. TV commercials that insult your intelligence. Radio spots that make you change the station, which means the advertisers would have been better off setting their money on fire.

Not at McFarlane Media, where we write print copy with no extraneous words. Press releases that encourage you to keep reading. And radio spots that make listeners laugh, think, and ultimately, buy.

We’ve crafted heartfelt, inspiring vignettes for a cancer treatment facility. Bold and raw comedic dialogue for a casino’s showroom. And straightforward, informative copy that explains the finer points of IRS Section 1031 property exchanges to lay readers without putting them to sleep.

Not to mention TV scripts, corporate naming projects, and long-form jobs including sales videos and investor prospecti. McFarlane Media can even handle radio production, including procuring and directing voice talent.

Do you have a document already assembled, but need to have it streamlined? McFarlane Media specializes in proofreading and in translating from Corporatespeak to English. If you want shareholders to know how your domestic success is helping you set sales records overseas, we can write exactly that.

But if you want them to read about experiencing revenue-proficient upswings in utilizing market share resulting in augmented profitability in the international sector, then we’re probably not for you.

Get your copy written in clear, expressive language. With the fastest turnaround times in the business.