Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 Costumer Preview


Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 is the hypervisor-based server virtualization product that allows you to consolidate workloads onto a single physical server. It is a stand-alone product that provides a reliable and optimized virtualization solution enabling organizations to improve server utilization and reduce costs.

read more on Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 Customer Preview


Batik textiles are among the most beautiful produced in Indonesia and are probably the best known. The process, which uses wax as a dye-resist, is generally associated with Indonesia and Malaysia, but the technique has been known in Egypt since the 5th or 6th centuries AD, and is also found in Africa, China, Japan and Central Asia. It has been suggested that intricate batik design is relatively modern, but the examples collected by Sir Stamford Raffles while he was Governor of Java in the early years of the 1 9th century already show a well-established tradition.The finest batik uses cloth with a high thread density and a flat, even surface. Such cloth was imported from Europe and India, and is now bought from Japan as well. Once cut to length, hemmed, washed and boiled to remove the size, it is oiled and treated with a rice paste to prevent the wax penetrating too deeply. For the best, hand-painted batik, known as tulis, the wax is applied to the areas to resist the first dyeing, using a small spouted pot called a canting. The cloth is dipped in the dye and then into cold water to harden the wax so that it may be scraped off. More wax is then applied to further areas and the process repeated until the pattern is complete. Good batik has the wax patterns repeated on the back of the fabric so that it is reversible. Cracks in the wax, intended or not, give the familiar spidery background patterns.

  A 2 metre (6 foot ) length of the best-quality batik can take up to two months to complete. Batik tulis, with fine quality, hand-painted designs, is traditionally made by women, often the wives of high officials. Batik cap is a more economical method using a metal stamp to apply the wax pattern to the cloth, and is traditionally a male preserve.

Java is the home of batik, which is seen at its best in the courts of Yogyakarta and Surakarta. An imprecise way of telling the difference is the use in Yogyakarta of browns and blues against a white background whereas in Surakarta the background is yellow. South Sumatra and the Toraja region of Sulawesi also produce good batik.  @ indonesiatourism

setup psybnc to use multiple networks at the same time

The first thing you need to do is add in another network:
/addnetwork [name] — adds in a network with the name you specify. Keep in mind that network names are case-sensitive. You’ll be typing the name a lot, so if you’re adding in dalnet, use an abbreviation such as dal or dn or something similar.

Once you have the network added, you need to choose your vhost for that network:
/bvhost [network]'[vhost] — sets your vhost on the network you specify.

The next step is to add servers:
/addserver [network]'[ircserver]:[port] — adds a server and port to the new network.

All commands are prefixed with the [network]~ as follows:
/join dn~#shellfx — joins #shellfx on network dn.
/msg dn’nickname hello — sends the message “hello” to the user nickname on network dn.

Miscellaneous Commands
/bconnect [network]~ — connects you to the network you specify (assuming you have servers added for that network)
/bquit [network]~ — quits you from that network. You’ll still be connected to your primary network. Note, if you do /bquit, you’ll be quitted from all your networks.
/switchnet [new network] :[current network] — This command will let you switch your primary network. By doing this, you won’t have to prefix all your commands with the ‘net syntax.

Compile and setup psybnc

This just a basic to compile and setup psyBNC, you can use this step to run another version. you can get pre compiled psybnc @

–> downloading psyBNC to your shell (ftp, wget or lynx.. which you prefer)
–> untar and compiling, follow below command

[sentabi@best]$ tar zxvf psyBNC2.3.1.tar.gz
[sentabi@best]$ cd psybnc
[sentabi@best psybnc]$ make

–> create psybnc.conf

After ‘make’ stop without any error, it mean that you have successfully done compiling it. You now need to create psybnc.conf that hold psybnc listen port. For this example i will choose port 12345, you can specify any port greater than 1024 that currently not used. Open your favourite text editor (pico, vi, emac, joe..etc), paste this and save as psybnc.conf


–> run the psyBNC

[sentabi@best]$ ./psybnc

psyBNC then will goes to background. Now open your IRC client and connect to your psybnc host and port. It will ask you a password that will assigned for you. For command, type /bhelp

Precompiled psyBNC

Normaly SunOS/Solaris doesn’t have compilers like gcc / cc so you aren’t able to compile psyBNC by yourself using above steps, so we will use precompiled psyBNC that compiled on SunOS on other box that have it.

I also use precompiled bnc/eggdrop for quick run so i don’t have to compiled it every time i wan’t to run it in new box. So i just uploaded already compiled binary and run it on new box. Quick and saving time. Please take note that SunOS precompiled will only run on SunOS platform and will not run on others. Linux precompiled for linux, AIX precompiled for AIX and the rest. For this example we will use psyBNC2.2.1-precompiled-SunOs5.6.tar.Z that you can found in my ‘IRC Wares’ section.

–> downloading psyBNC to your shell (ftp, wget or lynx.. which you prefer)
–> uncompress and untar

[sentabi@best]$ uncompress psyBNC2.2.1-precompiled-SunOs5.6.tar.Z
[sentabi@best]$ tar xvf psyBNC2.2.1-precompiled-SunOs5.6.tar
[sentabi@best]$ cd psybnc

–> create psybnc.conf and run it

Open your favourite text editor (pico, vi, emac, joe..etc), paste this and save as psybnc.conf


[sentabi@best]$ ./psybnc

Done! Quick and much simpler than using original psyBNC.

Setting up crontab

To keep you bot or bnc/psybnc running 24 hours you need to setup a crontab. I will show you how to install it.

–> First you must set up chk script for each bot/bnc you run on your shell. For bot a chk script for it is botchk located in scripts/botchk and for bnc a chk for it is bncchk. Edit it to fit your need and save it.
–>we want to set the script executable

[sentabi@best]$ chmod +x scripts/botchk

–>At this point, it might be wise to test if you have everything set up correctly so far. Kill the bot, and run the botchk script

[sentabi@best]$ kill -9 `cat pid.EggBot`
– If it works, it will launch your bot

–>Next step is to set up the crontab. Open your favorite editor with a new empy file called “cron” in your home dir.
– For each bot you run on your shell, add one of these lines:

0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /home/myhome/egg/scripts/botchk1 >/dev/null 2>&1
0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /home/myhome/egg/scripts/botchk2 >/dev/null 2>&1

– Save and exit the editor, and install crontab to use the file you just made.

[sentabi@best]$ crontab cron

– This cron will check for every 10 minutes if bot not running. If it still doesn’t work, you may not have access to crontab on your shell, so check with your admin.

compiling and setup bnc

First you need to logon to the shell then
–> downloading eggdrop to your shell
–>untar and compiling
– we will compile bnc2.6.2

[sentabi@best]$ tar -zxvf bnc2.6.2.tar.gz
[sentabi@best]$ cd bnc2.6.2
[sentabi@best]$ ./configure ; make

–>edit a config file (example of config file)
–>run the bnc

[sentabi@best bnc2.6.2]$ ./bnc

Compiling Eggrop

I will just show it in my way. So it maybe different for someone else.
To get eggdrop running you need a few things:
a) Some sort of a Unix account
b) Pretty good knowledge of IRC and Unix
c) The TCL libraries

First you need to logon to the shell then
–> downloading eggdrop to your shell
– you can get it from /
–>untar and compiling
– i will show compiling eggdrop1.3.23 that i’m familiar with

[sentabi@best]$ tar zxvf eggdrop1.3.23.tar.gz
[sentabi@best]$ cd eggdrop1.3.23
[sentabi@best eggdrop1.3.23]$ ./configure ; make

– wait till it stop, when it stop without an error it mean that you have successfully compiling your eggdrop, try to check if file eggdrop in your directory (just to make sure)

[sentabi@best]$ ls -l eggdrop
– not finish yet, to run an eggdrop you should upload eggdrop configuration file, here is an edited example eggdrop config file. After editing the file, you can run your eggdrop.

[sentabi@best]$ ./eggdrop -m bot.conf
– while bot.conf is your config filename.
Next time you will run the bot (if it goes down, for example) you don’t need the ‘-m’

Now start an IRC client to connect to the bot’s server, join it’s channel and wait for it to come in. When you see the bot message it with ‘hello'(/msg BotNick hello. You need to replace the word BotNick with the bot’s nickname). Then it will tell you to set a password. You do that by messaging it with ‘pass password’ (/msg BotNick pass mypassword). Replace the word mypassword with your password, whatever it is (for example: if your password is IRC, you need to do /msg BotNick pass IRC)

Increase Your Adsense Revenue

How much revenue do you generate from Google Adsense? $100…? $1,000…? Or less?? Recently there has been a lot of discussion about people who earn over $10,000 a month just from Adsense. Furthermore, there are rumors of a few individuals who earn over $1 million a year just from using the power of Google advertisements.

What is Google Adsense and how it can make people become to rich? I do not discussing it here. You can read in my other article in this blog. In this article, I would to discussing the six ways to increase your Adsense revenue.

1) Find the right place – Most website visitors read content that is in the middle of a webpage. As a result, the best place to put your Adsense block is in the top part of the page, at the beginning of your web content. Make it looks like a part of your content. If you can arrange into a good position, you will get potential click more.

2) Use the Best Format -With Google Adsense, you have the option to picking different ad formats. Most of people use the Leader board (728×90) or Wide Skyscraper (160×600) style ads. Unfortunately, this is the wrong choice, because both look like blatant advertisements. These ads like screaming, “Hi I am advertisement, go click me!” Instead, smart webmasters have found that using the Large Rectangle (336×280) yields the best amount of click-thrust. This ad is bigger enough and readable. It is like useful link list. The statistics also say that this ad is getting more clicks then other.

3) Sweet border – Many people experience a sharp increase in Adsense revenue when they changing their border. What they change is very simple…they get rid of the border on their Adsense blocks. This is another way to make the advertisements look like useful web content. Fortunately, Google has launch new border style this month. It have rounded corner. Your visitor will love to click the link in it. It still new, and there is still couple of people realize it. You can try it.

4) Adapt the font – Whenever you write content, it should be the same font size and style as your Google Adsense block. This will help make it appear that the advertisements are a natural part of your website. If you have a link list with description on it, make it looks like Google Adsense style.

5) Match the colors – In addition to changing the fonts; you also should match the colors of your website. For instance, if your content written in black and your hyperlinks are blue, then the Adsense blocks should also be the same color. Again, this helps the advertisements appear to be normal web content.

6) Don’t have too many distractions – On a webpage, it is important to give web visitor a limited number of options. By having too many links and graphics, the web visitor might go to a section that does not help increase your profits. While it is important to inform and entertain your web visitor, it is also vital that you monetize your site. So if the focus of your site is to earn an income through Google Adsense, then get rid of all non-essential links and graphics.

By taking the time to implement these six simple steps, you will see a dramatic increase in the click-thru ratio of your ads. If added to all of the content of your site, your Adsense income will skyrocket! It also helps if you implement the SEO for your pages. More visitors, potential click will increase either.

Boost Your Page Rank

This is another Search Engine Optimization series. In the past post, I explain to you how to build a SEO Article. Starting from this article, I will give you some tips to increase your position in Search Engine Result. Our target is to be the first position or if we cannot do it, the first page position is good.

First, you must have a keyword. If you wrong to choose keyword, you will get a big mistake in the next step. You must sure; searcher often requires this keyword. In addition, you must sure you can beat your competitor. If there are many competitors with big ranks in it, find another word that is similar with it. Of course, this keyword must often require.

Search Engine Optimization has two parts. First part is in side optimization and the second part is out side optimization. In past post, I explain to you about in side optimization. If this step cannot increase your position in the search engine result, is time for you to run out side optimization.

An Out side optimization is a way in which other site give a link to you. What anchor text they use, and how much page rank they have. Because it involves other person, so you must have a good diplomacy to make them put a link to you. Before that, you use some step below. I have sorted this step; please do not go to next step before doing the step before.

Add to Directory

Directory is a united link to other site. They part every site into categories. You can add your site to this directory. Some of this directory need link back from you, but many other not. Find directory that have similar category with your site. You can use Search Engine to find it. Use “your keyword directory” or “your keyword add site” or “your keyword submit url” as a keyword search.

Usually they need two weeks until two month before they add your site into their list. This is way you must add url into many directory before doing everything else.

Social Book marking

Social book marking is another way to add your site. Be the member of social book marking like, and may other. After you submit you article, bookmark it using those social book marking. The more account you have, the big result you have.

Join Forum

Discussion Forum let you add a signature into every post you made. They have a lot of problem in it, if you can give them a tips, they will give you many thanks. Of course, they will want to know you more and visit your site. If they interest with your site, they will bookmark it or even put a link to your site in their own site. Often they use social book marking too.

Sent a Letter to your Competitor

Why we must send to competitor? As you know, they have a same keyword as you are. Same topic with your site and they have better position in the search engine result. If you get a link from them, your site will get a good rank from search engine. If many other link to you, you can be the first.

I give you a letter example. You can change it as you like.

Dear Friend,

I have been visiting your site. Wow, I think it is very great site. It is so informative. There are a lot of interesting article for me, like ==mention some title of their post==. You explain it very well. It is as I am writing in my blog. You can see in my site at Of course, it is not as special as your great site. I am just a new writer here. ) == Makes them proud ==

You know, I have just put a link in my blog to your site. However, if you objection, I will delete it as soon as possible. In addition, if you like my site you can put a link back to my blog as you like. I am happy for it. We can be a great partner because of it.

Your visitor can get a more information and my visitor either. We can give them a best moment after they spend hours to search article. They will come again, because we can give them good article and related site article. It can be informative sites for both of us. == tell them, if link to us is good decision ==

If you interest with my idea, you can also use this code for your web:

<a href="" title="your-keyword">your keyword</a>

OK, I thing it is enough for me now. I hope you can come to my blog and give me a couple of suggestion. On the other hand, maybe you can be my site teacher. ) I want to be a good writer as you are. Thanks for your attention.


Lutvi Avandi

You can use this letter to get link from your competitor and other site that have same topic with yours. I suggest choosing a site with a big pagerank before other. If you can get a link from PR 7 or more site, that was a big lucky to you. Google will index your site only a day. If get other big PR, your site will get at lease PR 2 or PR 3.

I ever try to put a link form my PR 4 site and one link form my PR 5 site. From both site I get PR 1 from Google. My site indexed only in 4-5 days. If they reject your letter, do not be sad. You can try again. Before it, comment their article frequently. After them familiar with you, you can try to ask them again.

You need more time and more diplomacy to get link from other. If you have a good site, I am sure there was many people give link to you. @ punya.web