World of SL 2

Blogging virtual worlds one blog at a time.

My new blog address

Second Life, SteamPunk & Silvera  has moved to blogger/blogspot.


Baptism by fire


Since becoming a Mentor I have been trying to spend a regular amount of time each day at the various Orientation and Help Islands.  It is truly an amazing experience that I wish everyone could have.  To see newbies being born (minus the nakedness) is really cool.  Their first step, first type, first flight.  For the most part  you answer their questions and they are on their way never to be seen again.  But occassionally you connect with someone and they end up on your Friends List.  And that too is really cool.  I wish everyone who came into Second Life loved it the way I do.  But some don’t and that’s okay.  There are other virtual worlds out there to be explored.

The Caledon Regency sim is being developed as I write.  It amazes me the pace that Governor Shang maintains to get this sim to the residents.  I stop by once a day to look upon the progress – I can see my lot waiting for me.  Not sure what home I will put on it though.  Need to do some checking around.  Maybe wait and see what the general theme will be with the other residents.

Mr. Avery is continuing to create for our impending steampunk business in Babbage Square.  I have already taken flight in one of his creations that I am sure will be a big seller once he releases it to the public.


Sunday, July 29, 2007

Well another weekend has come and gone.  While out and about exploring this weekend I met a Gentleman named Mr. Avery, who is not only a fellow steampunker, but is also a builder and an inventor.  We have decided to combine forces and open a shop in the Babbage region.  I am very excited about this venture.  Truly an opportunity for me to learn building and scripting first hand.  I attended the RFL this weekend.  All the exhibits were amazing.  I am particularly proud of the Babbage sim.  Loki and the other residents did an amazing job of representing our town.  I also went skating at the Caledon exhibit.  There was one exhibit that was completely underwater in a Captain Nemo type theme.  This was amazing as well. (Got to increase my vocabulary beyond amazing!)  Isn’t there a saying, “misfortune begets fortune?”  Well that surely happened to me this weekend.  I was stranded for some time on one of the Volunteer sims during the grid difficulties.  I decided to take advantage and explore (when all else fails walk or fly).  I met a fellow Mentor named Stewart who is building an office complex for the Mentors.  He is one of the brillant teen grid crossovers who also happens to have a wicked sense of humour.  Needless to say I have signed on to his madcap adventures and now have an office space to work out of.  I also got to meet his partner Katie.  Very nice girl who lives not far from me in RL.  It is always weird to go into a place like SL that encompasses the whole world and end up meeting someone just down the road from me.  Can be a reality check.


Caledon Regency appears


My future home off in the distance.

SL Mentor Volunteer Meeting


Apparently I was early to the meeting!

SL Mentor Volunteer Training


Thanks to Amber, Blue, George, Hermia, Lexie and Mia Linden for a wonderful training session despite having to run from the rolling restart.

What is on the other side of that door?

First let me say that I am sorry for all the business owners who will loose revenue because of the ban on gambling law enforcement.  I do not frequent casinos nor do I gamble.  However, I am a business owner (albeit very small) and would not wish for anyone to loose their business.  There are already rumours of owners leaving.  Don’t leave.  Figure out what can be done with your land and existing structures.  The great thing about SL is that with a couple mouse clicks the land use can be changed from one venue to another.  Wait and see how things shake out.  You are not only a business owner, you are a business operator.  That means knowledge and experience.  Surely that extends beyond casinos?  Here’s a thought.  Take a gamble on yourself.  See what else you can do.  You might be surprised.


Gambling has been shown the door

Two blog entries that I found of interest:

Gambling, Whine and ‘Linden Lab Moved My Cheese’ by Nobody Fugazi

Gambling Banned in Second Life by Hiro Pendragon

Earlier today I teleported into what I thought was a meeting at the Volunteer HQ but was instead a demonstration against LL and their decision to ban gambling in SL.  To say I was surprised would be a huge understatement.  Not at the demonstration itself (nor am I against demonstrating – I am an American after all) but at the location.  Why at the Volunteer HQ and why against LL?  They are simply complying with a law that I’m sure they should have done long ago but delayed it most likely to see if there was any way to work within it.  I mean honestly, does anyone think LL wants to give up one of their sources of income?  Of course not.  One thing we all agree on is the loss of income that LL will suffer.  I guarantee you if there was a way for LL to work within the existing ban on internet gambling, LL would not be showing gambling the door.  But time has run out and they have no choice but to comply with/enforce the law.  A law that was passed by Congress.  If you don’t like that law, then demonstrate against Congress.


Edit:  I am adding this blog entry as well:

The End of Second Life Gambling? by Kate Amdahl

WOOT! ? !


I cannot believe I just used that word.  I can honestly say that is the first time.  What has prompted this upswing in my vocabulary?  I paid my reservation earlier today for a parcel in the upcoming Caledon Regency sim!  Very cool and very unexpected.  I knew I was way down on the waiting list for a Caledon parcel but thanks to some others ahead of me being lax in their response to Governor Shang I got my parcel reserved. /wave to Miss Zoe at the Connolly Lighthouse WAY DOWN at the other end of the sim {:o)  I hope to be able to see the Connolly Lighthouse from my home at night.  I have already met one of my neighbors down at my end.  Very nice Gentleman.  I look forward to meeting the rest of my neighbors as well as all the Regency residents.


Edit:  Added pic of new parcel.

Home is …. Babbage Square


I can’t believe it has been four days since my last post.  I have a new home.  I am no longer a renter in the Babbage Canals district.  I am now a land owner in the Babbage Square district.  The deal was finalized late Friday night.  The house is up and decorated including obligatory air ship parked above.  Of all the places I have lived in SL, this place is by far the most enjoyable.  I would post pics but I never got around to posting the pics for the SteamPunk Photo Contest so I won’t promise any more.  However, if you come visit me, you can see my place in person and see one of the three photos I entered in the photo contest hanging in my dining room.

I spent most of this past Thursday night reading through all the JIRA submissions and voting for the ones that I felt were needing my vote.  It is amazing the sheer volume of submissions; my hat comes off to the Lindens for being able to address the percentage that they do.  I also voted for the 2007 Linden Lab Innovation Awards which includes nominees like Jesse Malthus, Katharine Berry and Nicholaz Beresford.  Remember, if you don’t vote, you can’t complain about who does, or does not, win.

I am pleased to blog that P. irate & Co. has opened a store in Babbage Square.  I had the pleasure of speaking with co-owner Mr. Luciene a couple of times over the weekend.  I encourage everyone to check out their SteamPunk merchandise.  There is also a new museum and absinthe bar in the works for Babbage as well.  Mr. Pizzini has taken down the Fire House and replaced it with a canal dock and bridge that really compliments the area across from the Mall.  Any more Babbage news and I will have to change the name of this blog! {:o)

I have put my 512 parcel in West Haven on the market for anyone who is interested in that area.  I will miss the area and enjoyed the time I spent there.  I have priced it below market value to encourage a quick sale.

I attended the AM Linden Office Visit of Mr. Torley on Friday.  It was standing room only and a pleasure as always.

And finally I am very pleased to announce that I got an email notifying me that I have been picked to be an SL Mentor.  It is an honor to say the least and I thank the Lindens for believing that I am Mentor material.  I will do my best to put action to my words of gratitude.

I think that brings me current.  If I think of anything else I will update this entry.


Edit:  Added pic of new home.