
I was watching this scene from Westworld, and it struck me that Dr Ford’s ideas could apply to our MMO games as much as Westworld’s robot-powered one.

See the original scene here.

I draw a comparison between World of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2. But really I could’ve done this video many ways. For example, I could’ve compared modern theme-park WoW to older open/explorable vanilla WoW.

Don’t read into this video too much. It’s a 2-minute video I made for fun. As Dr Ford would say, it’s a lie that hints at a deeper truth.


This is a continuation of the campaign journal of Adventures in Lyria. The first entry is here and you can see all entries here.

Act 9: Port Cissylvania

The heroes head to a sleepy fishing town, and bring an inglorious end to General Magnus Strabo.



I’ve put my free indie game Impulse on!

It’s also available on Steam.


I’ve seen people make “movie posters” of their RPG campaigns and always wanted to do one. Thanks to the power of AI, now I can!

More about this after the jump, including a broad overview of how this was made, some admissions about stolen art, and the story behind this scene.


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