A group of musicians pose for the photograph, smiling widely with guitars. A bright tapestry is in the background.

We’re a community rooted in faith, worship, and a shared life.

Our life together

Welcome to HUMC

We are a home for ALL people to be transformed by the love of God and grow in mind, body, and spirit.

Our Core Values: Worship, Learn, Serve, Love.

Please join Dr. Will this sixth Sunday of Easter, May 5, 2024, as he preaches “Total Eclipse” from Psalm 24, Genesis 1:1–5, 26–31; 2:15.

A few weeks ago, the whole country was euphoric to watch the eclipse. It brought us to the intersection of God, humanity, and creation. Psalm 24 makes a stunning assertion; The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it.” In this sense, we don’t own the place. It belongs to someone else. We’re just guests—temporary at that. We’re allowed to live in it, enjoy it, and use its amazing productivity. But we don’t own it and are not free to do whatever we want.

The problem is that we act like it’s ours alone and in the process, we seem to be creating significant problems for those who will come after us. The U.S., for example, has 4 percent of the world’s population and produces 25 percent of the greenhouse gases that pollute the atmosphere, and most scientists conclude that these are causing or exacerbating global warming.

At the very heart of our faith, there is the goodness and fullness of God’s creation, and our God has given us the responsibility to take good care of it. God came into the creation, into the world, in the birth of a child in Bethlehem. God loves and blesses the world and human life by visiting it, becoming part of it, living & dying in it, and rising again to redeem it—the whole creation.

Rev. Dr. Willy L. Mafuta, Ph.D, Th.D

Children & Youth

Four guitarists stand in a row, with their instruments slung around their necks and sitting in front of them.

Music Ministry

Book Talk

Christian Education

We’d love to meet you.

Sunday Worship

10:00 AM | Sanctuary | Online

Children’s Sunday School

10:00 AM | Fellowship Hall

No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, we join our voices with the welcome of God, whose love is unconditional and welcoming to all.