

May 2024  


central america

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used motorcycles

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Nice device

Old Harleys are precious collectors items. They are sought after like never before. The old style padlock at the lower end of the headset, and the easy to manipulate ignition switch is not a big deal for an interested thief. Both  they are not tamper-proof. If you are just over to warm your preferred peaches, and have to park your sled outside on the street, there is a solution. It is unobtrusive (without the red key) but effective. Press the red key towards the bike, turn it to the right, and remove it. The main power cable will bekill

interrupted, the bike will not start. Some folks call it immobilizer. This is not true though, as long there is a truck and some accomplices around. But it may help!

A rare breed

Lately in Samut Prakan, a part of Bangkok we stumbled over a motorcycle, which looked a kind of strange...!Janda

Taking a closer look it turned out to be a Janda, a Jawa with a 125cc Honda engine inside. Click into the picture to see more of this beautiful piece of junk.

Quote of the month:

Most motorcycle problems are caused by the nut that connects the handlebars to the seat.                                                      - unknown

The worlds biggest moto network

Picture of the month:

up up and away

The time has come again to escape from trouble, traffic, and the trivia of all day live. The winding mountain roads within and the proximity of Andorra are the perfect ride for those days in spring. Andorra is nested in between France and Spain.  Watch out for horses roaming freely about the mountains and detect gravel on the road in time. One tool, a decent corkscrew comes in handy, as from Andorra, there are vineyards in all directions. Or, if you are ready for that very special event: A three hours ride from Andorra you will find the renowned restaurant ". El Celler de Can Roca" in Girona, serving Catalan cuisine.


About 140 miles north of the Harley Davidson factory in Wisconsin, you will find Brian's shop. Brian sells primarily Harley-Davidson motorcycles, which can be damaged due to a falling branch of a tree, or an accident. Thus these bikes are inexpensive and Brian will tell you, what do you have to do, to fix it. Import duties and taxes can be saved and you finally end up with a sound ride for the price you can afford. Brian ships worldwide.

All Motorcycle manufacturers of Europe

A comprehensive and almost complete overview of the motorcycles of Europe is Sheldons Motorcycle Universe. Click into the picture to learn more.


Offroad across Central America

Maya Tours

Truly an unforgettable adventure was the trip from La Ceiba, Honduras across Guatemala and Belize with Maya-Tours. Whoever has the chance, go for it!! You won't be disappointed, promised!

The favourite tank painting

Harley riders are known for their exceptional taste, when it comes down to the paintwork on the tanks or fenders of their beloved bikes. This one was found on a 1996 Fatboy in Northern Germany. From fantasy creatures to complete historical scenes, skulls, and figures from comic books. Check 'em out, they are all over the web. You might find an inspiration how to change the looks of your own scooter.
Caged Ironhead

Bob from Louisville, Kentucky gave me this picture of his '77 Ironhead.

The bike obviously does not have the adequate space, nor the necessary attention yet. We strongly hope, that Bob turns his baby into a beauty soon. We encourage him by recommending a website with beautifully restored ironheads: https://www.bikeexif.com/tag/ironhead-sportster

Our favorite road sign

This road sign was found by Chris Wagner on his motorcycle trip to to Mae Hong Son, west of Chiang Mai, close to the Burmese border.


Harleys.de suggests, that this should be the only road sign on country roads.


is a proud sponsor of the View Society which supports underprivileged children


View e.V.


in Thailand. And you should too, as the new invoices for the upcoming school term are almost due. Every single donor will have constant access to the accounting online, and will exactly know how the money is being spent. The society is recognized by the government of Germany. Donations are tax deductible. Tell us, do you have barbwire in your pockets?


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