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An amalgam of all kinds of things that have interested me at one time or another,  this site has some work (a calendar, some examples of my graphic work, an archive of my reviews and features, some stuff about my travels and archives of older material) and some play (pictures of my cheese kitty, links to my food blog, lists of dance videos a bit of couture, and lots of other silly projects.)

Recent Work

Nostalgia for the Nutcracker: This is how I first came to know the world of dance... (12/30/05)

Interview with Baryshnikov: "My religion was the dance, and the stage was my church." (6/14/04)

Interview with Mark Morris: "If you can't have music, you shouldn't have anything."(08/29/03)

Interview with Lin Hwai-Min: "The most wonderful thing about the company is that the same work is appreciated in the villages of Taiwan, or in London, Paris and New York." (10/29/03)

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The Cheese Kitty Inspects


With a new Nikon D3100 comes a new look at life....Browse through some of my photos on Flickr.

Political Rant

I am a political junkie. Obsessive really. And it is an Election Year. Join me and let the Games begin, and may the odds ever be in your favor...

If you're looking for my old Political Rant, 2008 Edition. That blog has been moved to here.


Travel Obsession

I don't get to travel much, but I do an awful lot of armchair traveling.  Whether you're going by airplane or by internet, I have some links to places I love like Paris, London, and even here at home.

Lurking kitty

Cheese Kitty

I'm more grieved that you can know to report that our beautiful Cheese Kitty has gone to that Big Fromagerie in the sky. I like to think he gently naps with the Vacherin by his side. The Cheese Kitty's Gallery is still open for browsing.

Couture Jacket

My salute to Project Runway: sewing a man's jacket by hand using classic tailoring techniques. It only, months.



All material on this site is copyrighted to Mary Ellen Hunt unless otherwise noted.
For permission to reprint, please contact