Welcome to the Newsmagazine Network


It’s a powerful combination of two local publications – West Newsmagazine and Mid Rivers Newsmagazine – direct-mailed to local subscribers and available at newsstands in affluent West St. Louis and St. Charles counties. Plus two websites – westnewsmagazine.com and midriversnewsmagazine.com – and social media.  You can find us on Facebook at facebook.com/westnewsmagazine and facebook.com/midriversnewsmagazine and on Twitter at twitter.com/westnewsmag and twitter.com/midriversnews.

Screenshot 2023-03-01 at 10.15.19 AMIt’s content our readers count on. Our editorial is a combination of short news items and extended news and feature stories. This format maximizes the impact of every item and every page – in print and online.

everyissueIt’s advertising at its best. Our advertisers are given the most prominent position on every page. Readers tell us those ads are a vital to them.

Our editorial policy is simple: Provide interesting and accurate information to our readers – including eye-catching, effective ads.

Unlike larger print and electronic media sources, ours is a hyper-local approach to regional news and information.

Our audience is highly-engaged and well-educated.

Our readers view advertisements as extensions of the content itself. Also, because readers choose when and where to view the publications, they opt-in at their most opportune, and therefore enjoyable, time. Your ads do not interrupt the experience of the reader, they enhance it, which leads to a motivated, receptive customer.