Welcome to our online store!
AmTryke LLC

Inventory Update (May 2024)

Models in stock:
AM-10, AM-12 S, AM-12, JT200, JT2300, TP-3000, 1020, 1024

We are currently accepting orders for all models*. New orders will ship once back orders have been shipped.
Estimated shipment of new orders
 April 2024

AM-16, 1410, 1412, 1416, 1420, 1420 XL are expected to return in July 2024 

Parts out of stock: 
1400 Headrest, 
1416 Rear Steer Kits & 1420 Rear Steer Kits (expected to return July 2024)

Please review our sizing chart as it reflects the most current changes to our trykes. Thank you!

Need assembly instructions? Check out the Manuals & Instructions page.

Check out our various National AMBUCS, Inc. store items. AMBUCS: Shoulders Together

Questions or comments? Please call (800) 838-1845 x116
Fax: 336-852-6830
Hours: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm EST

The Amtryke Adaptive Tricycle Program is about abilities, not disabilities. Our goal is to provide people who benefit from our trykes with all the classic advantages of riding a bike: mobility, strength, exercise, coordination, interaction with family and friends, and just pure fun!

Amtryke makes foot trykes, hand trykes, and hand & foot trykes in a wide range of sizes--all at low cost. Nearly every rider can be successful, no matter their diagnosis, through our full line of highly adjustable trykes and myriad of adaptive accessories.


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