Raymond Barglow's Home Page


I taught at UC Berkeley and (briefly) at Trinity College in Hartford. Then for about 15 years I counseled and tutored high school students who were preparing to go to college.

Have written a number of articles for Skeptic Magazine, Tikkun Magazine, and the Berkeley Daily Planet. Links to some of these articles are located here: Writings

Have written a play about the Haitian Revolution. More information about this project is here

Am an advocate of stem cell research and was active in the passage of measures here in California (2008 and 2020) that provide funding.

Am a member of a local Democratic Party club, for which I built the website: Wellstone Club.

I've written a theater piece about the life and times of my mother Hildegard, who was an actress on the German stage before emigrating to this country in the late 30s.  In the summer of 2005, we held a reading at my brother Peter's house, a few blocks away from where I live in Berkeley.  Then in 2006 we shipped the play (along with my brother and his wife Margret, Pam, co-author Joanne, and myself) over to Dresden Germany where the play was read twice at the Synagogue there. 

To explore the origins and prospects of German social democracy, I created this website: The Promise of Social Democracy: Rosa Luxemburg, Eduard Bernstein, and Hannah Arendt

Some posters I've designed (click on poster to view larger version)


Some other websites I've designed

California Democratic Network