Detroit Lakes ended Day 1 with a state champion as multiple athletes competed in the Class AA prelims on Friday, June 7.
Event calendar for Detroit Lakes and surrounding communities
Vandalism was reported at a city park along Lake Street and more from the police blotters in Becker County, Detroit Lakes and beyond.
Danish artist Thomas Dambo and his crew of 17 artists have been preparing to unveil their 'Trolls in DL' exhibition to the public for the past month, and it's almost ready.


StormTracker Weather


Breeze diminishing tonight
Most recent years have brought a few days in the 90s and even 100s by May or early June.
This mass transport is equalized by upper winds which tend to blow from a northerly direction slightly more than any other.
DETROIT LAKES — A proposal for a 49-unit RV campground at the northeast corner of Little Cormorant Lake has run into some stormy sailing.
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Hundreds of volunteers have spent the last several days working with the world's leading recycling artist, who has now built 130 giant trolls around the globe.
Detroit Lakes funeral home invited the public to an open house to learn about the newly offered cremation service.


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Ultimately, the decade-long restoration project filled over 100 miles of ditches, restored more than 3,000 acres of wetlands and replanted more than 20,000 acres of tallgrass prairie.