Free Disposable Email Service

Just enter the username of the email address you want to check. That's it!

Prevent Spam

Use Disposeamail's free disposable email service when you don't want to get spammed at your real email address. Just enter and we will handle the email for you.

Disposable Email

All mail is automatically deleted after 5 days. You can also delete individual messages after you read them for increased privacy.

Ultra Fast

Disposeamail is built using modern code and processes that make it ultra fast. New emails we catch are piped straight to your inbox.

Public Inbox

No user account or signups required. Just enter and then come check your inbox here.

Test Email / QA Email

Disposeamail is a great free test email that can be used for any testing or QA (quality assurance) you need to do. Need to make sure your app is sending emails properly? Send yout test emails to and then check them from the website or RSS feed.

Inbox RSS Feeds

RSS feeds are available for any public inbox. Just plug the RSS feed URL into your feed reader and never miss an email again.