eLeaP Manifesto

- Why our company is different.
- Why our LMS is different.
- Why our passion is different!

I have been asked many times. So what makes eLeaP different? Why did our customers choose us and why should you choose eLeaP learning management system - LMS?

I thought about several business type responses like: We provide positive return on your e-learning investment, we are scalable and secure and completely easy to use. eLeaP is one of a few LMS to combine course creation with comprehensive user management, tracking and documentation and so on.

But I had an experience with a contact I have been trying to bring in. What became poignantly clear is this:

Most organizations and training companies simply need an assist getting their training and e-learning programs started. They are looking for reliable, professional staff to help them set up their LMS account (hopefully without having to pay through the nose), and then some help uploading their existing content or new content to begin their training program.

Sounds simple right? Not quite. Not all LMS or e-learning software companies are created equal. You see with Telania | eLeaP, we don’t just throw you into the deep end and say “good luck”.

We don’t rest till you are set up and your program is humming along just fine.

We don’t rest when you CALL us (yes CALL us) for free and request help with a feature or something you want to achieve in the system.

We don’t rest when your students, employees, users or staff contact us via phone, fax, email, or live support.

And we gladly and passionately provide the answers to your questions and your requests.

We do this without requiring you to pay anything.

We do this because we love talking and helping our customers. I know its sounds cliche but even though we are a technology company, we are pretty old fashioned when it comes to our customers.

Why do I write all these things for you to see. Because I am sick and tired of other companies giving us all a bad name – I am sick of having to apologize for the awful behavior of some tech and e-learning companies.

We are supposed to be in the business of education. Well let's help our customers educate and let us quit looking at only sales quotas and quarterly reports! Should you want to compare and select the best learning management system for your needs, see WhataSoftware.com

I welcome your opinion.

Contact me anytime 877-624-7226

Don Weobong
Telania | eLeaP
We’re Here To Help!

Hours: 8AM-8PM ET Mon-Fri & 9-5 Sat.
US Phone: +1 877-624-7226
173 Sears Avenue, Ste 282, Louisville, KY 40207, USA

Business Training | Course Management System | LMS Meaning | Learning Management Systems | Scorm LMS | Online Learning Software | Workplace Training