Rotary Club of Florham Park Officers 2022-2023

Simone Campbell, President 
Damion Bernard, Secretary & President-Elect 
Betty O'Brien, Treasurer
Peter Nicolas, Sergeant-at-Arms
Foundation :     Debbie O'Keefe
         E-mail:               dokeefe
Membership:   George Gregor

Rotary is an international humanitarian service organization of business and community leaders, and volunteers who are willing and able to support the Rotary International mission .  Men and women, doing incredible things together, within their Rotary clubs, and in concert with Rotarians around the world.  Rotarians believe in improving people's lives, leading to a better and more peaceful world, while having fun doing so.  Targeted for elimination are poverty, disease , hunger, illiteracy, and pollution.  We commit time, talent, experience and resources to make a positive difference.  Founded in 1905, Rotary has over 1.5 million members  around the world.  Rotary helped develop the original United Nations  charter in 1947  and holds a seat at the United Nations.  Rotary clubs meet weekly  to discuss,  plan and adopt service projects, recognize members' successes and achievements, inspire others  with whom Rotarians  come in contact,  enjoy fellowship, and have fun. 
Rotary's motto is:  "Service Above Self"
Rotarians also apply a "4-Way Test" in conduct and making decisions:
-   Is it the TRUTH?
-   Is it FAIR to all concerned?
-   Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER                                      FRIENDSHIPS?
-   Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
There are approximately 35,000 member clubs worldwide.  A tenet of Rotary is that developing friendships encourages community and international service.

ROTARY FOUR-WAY TEST  "Of the things we Think, Say or Do"

1.  Is it the TRUTH?

2.  Is it FAIR to all concerned?


4.  Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?