Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Spiritual Gifts

    Are you aware that you have spiritual gifts? Are you aware that you were specifically and uniquely created by God to use your spiritual gifts for His good? A couple of months ago, my church worked through a series called “Designed to Make a Difference.” The first week my pastor spoke about how we were…

  • It’s All Unknown

    In a world where all we want is clarity and purpose, we are constantly bombarded with unknowns and uncertainties. Is that not what we all as humans face? We face confusion and heartbreak, worry, and even depression. Life can really break us down at times because of how much of it is out of our…

  • Fear Not

    For the past few years, I have really struggled with anxiety. It has truly crippled me in more ways than one and has prevented me from living life to the fullest. I have known people who have suffered severely from anxiety. However, until you have personally experienced full-blown anxiety for yourself, there is no way…

  • You are a Light

    Would you consider yourself more of a naturally positive person or negative person? Is it generally pretty easy for you to find the good or does it take extra effort for you to sift through the negative first? I have found that the majority of my life, I have been a naturally positive person. It…

  • The Year 2021.

    It is here, the year 2021. A year that many have been anxiously waiting for. 2020 had enough in it to fill up an entire history book… I cant help but think, “wow, one day I will tell my (yet to be born) children about this year and they will have no idea what transpired.…

  • A Christmas to Remember

    Merry Christmas everyone! Praying you all had a special day. I know for many of us, this Christmas looked different, but I hope you were able to make the best of your circumstances. I for one, was able to enjoy a rather pleasant day with my parents and grandparents. We woke up and read the…

  • I Need an Attitude Adjustment

    WHOA! Those are some big words to admit… yet they are so true. This revelation has been something I have known for a while now, but have not faced head on. I haven’t wanted to admit it to myself. I just kept telling myself that it was other people; it was my family and friends…

  • A Little about Me…

    Hello! My name is Kaylee, this may come as a surprise to you as you probably assumed that my name is Gracie. As much as my mama loves this name, nearly 25 years ago she chose the name Kaylee. I’m grateful she did because I LOVE my name. I also love where I live. I…

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