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Java for students

Java is a popular and widely used programming language. It was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems’ Java platform. The language’s syntax has much in common with C and C++, but its object model is simpler and has less low-level facilities. Undoubtedly, one of Java’s strong points is an automatic memory management. The developer determines when objects are created, but it’s a runtime task to free memory, when objects are no longer in use.

Java is a good choice for students, either studying computer science or related subjects. Here we present a collection of Java tutorials helping students to get started with the language, setup a development environment and master the basics.

Java tutorials

  1. Setting up Eclipse: Java’s popular IDE
  2. Hello world program line by line
  3. Variables, types, loops, if statement
  4. Practice. Developing "number guessing game" step by step
  1. True/false, boolean type, logical connectives
  2. Strings
  3. Switch statement
  4. Practice. Menu-driven "bank account" application

Code snippets

  1. Hello world
  2. Number guessing game
  3. Strings comparison
  4. Sum of digits of a number
  5. Convert String to int and int to String
  6. Print command-line arguments
  7. Switch-operated text menu
  8. Decimal to binary converter

Algorithms and data structures

One can not imagine modern programming language, like Java, without integrated algorithms and data structures. Java has extensive utilities library (java.util), which contains hundreds of algorithms and data structures. But it is still important to have basic knowledge on the subject and general ideas of how things work. We would recommend the following resource on the subject: algorithms and data structures. It gives illustrated explanations of many algorithms and data structures. Articles are supplemented with implementations in Java and C++. You might start with the quicksort article to learn the most popular sorting algorithm, applied in practice.



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