MEN IN DANCE is committed to supporting and producing cutting-edge male-identifying concert dance in all of its color

Submissions now closed

Thank you to alL who submitted their proposals for the 2024 MEN IN DANCE Festival! We will be in touch with all applicants no later than May 31, 2024.

For additional questions, please email us at

and ART as we know it would be nowhere without the many Black voices who lent themselves and their visions to the world we live in. VoiceS like those of ALVIN AILEY, JOSEPHINE BAKER, MASTER JUBA, KATHERINE DUNHAM, BILL “BOJANGLES” ROBINSON, PEARL PRIMUS, and more.

We cannot in good faith stay silent as day after day we witness these voices robbed from us at the hands of SYSTEMIC RACISM, INJUSTICE, and OPPRESSION. Too many lives have been lost.

We call upon our artists, our patrons, and EVERYONE WHO READS THIS MESSAGE to join us in solidarity with our Black siblings as we fight for their IDENTITIES, their VOICES, and their LIVES.
This will not end without all of us working together for what is right.