The City That Never Sleeps


  • An ode to the 7 Line Army

    Mets fans don’t generally feel “lucky”, quite the opposite actually. A cursory glance at the posts on social media regarding the Mets can give you a pretty good idea of our apocalyptic nature. However, regardless of the seasons ending in the basement, those ending with Familia blowing multiple saves in the World Series or Beltran…

  • Do you even Meditate Bro?

    Do you meditate? What does that even mean, really? Do you have to sit with your legs crossed, arms out with your fingers pressed together? Do I have to say “Namaste?”, because I don’t even know what that means. Because of my anxiety, often very severe anxiety, I have tried meditation. I have a number…

  • An Introspective Introduction

    Introspective. It’s a great word, it can mean so many things to so many people and it pretty much sums up how I live my life. I am currently visiting Alaska, which is a weird thing to say because this is home. I suppose, “visiting home”, can be a thing though. I was looking out…