
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Superior Quality Linen Blanks for Embroidery


Amazon Books

For years, I’ve been dreaming about how nice it would be to have superior quality linen blanks available here in the US for hand embroidery.

What are “blanks”? You might hear the term more frequently in the machine embroidery world than in the hand embroidery world.

Blanks are pre-made items that are ready to be embroidered, and they are a popular part of the machine embroidery industry. Think: baby bibs, kitchen towels, aprons, blankets, table cloths, table runners, cloth napkins, tote bags, sun visors, beach towels, and a gazillion other textile items ripe for personalization via an embroidery machine.

Because machine embroidery is pretty popular in the US (and around the world), these kinds of blanks are fairly widely available. You can find them in most hobby / craft big-box stores, and you can order a wide array of them online from all kinds of sources.

Blanks range in quality, from really poor quality to high quality when made by small boutique or bespoke businesses that focus on producing quality goods with quality materials.

Unfortunately, though, when it comes to blanks made from linen, these days the majority tend to be pretty poor quality, as they are mostly imported from China where they don’t have a whole lot of oversight in production and they don’t begin with quality material. From the fabric to the finished blanks, they just aren’t all that great. If you’ve ever worked with them, laundered them, embroidered them – you know what I mean! They usually aren’t the kind of linen that wears well with time.

I’m not certain that my dream of having ready-to-stitch, high-quality linen blanks available in the US is feasible. Still, I’ve always thought it worth trying, and to that end, last year, I took the plunge.

Linen Blanks for Hand Embroidery
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Thread Tip: Handling Looped, Twisted Threads


There are many, many needlework threads on the market that are sold in looped twists.

This type of “put up” (the method in which the thread is “bundled” or “presented” for selling) is pretty common, but if you haven’t come across it before and you don’t know how to handle it, it can be frustrating.

The specific put-up I’m talking about are those threads that begin in large loops that are then folded and then twisted.

The Gumnut Yarns that we talked about the other day are sold this way, but it’s not the only thread out there that’s put up in this configuration.

The loop and twist put-up is super-common in needlework threads. Perle cotton (DMC perle cotton #3 and #5) come this way. Cotton floche comes in a looped put-up (though not a twist). Many, many needlepoint threads come in looped and twisted put-ups.

Once you know how to handle one type of thread that comes this way, you’ll be able to handle any of them! So let’s talk about how to handle these looped and twisted threads, using the Gumnut skeins as an example.

Handling Looped, Twisted skeins of needlework thread
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Cornflowers – Stitch-Along Materials Kits Available!


And here we are, at long last! Time for the second Stitch Snippet Stitch-Along of 2024!

Featuring a vibrant field of cornflowers embroidered on natural colored linen, lined with a sumptuous shot silk, and constructed into a simple scissor envelope, Cornflowers is a project suitable for beginners and beyond. The project offers a very satisfactory finish into a very pretty, usable needlework accessory.

You’ll find the materials kits for Cornflowers right here, if you’d like to grab one for this stitch-along.

Cornflowers Scissor Envelope - Embroidery Stitch-Along
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Delicious Colors & Fibers: Gumnut Yarns Up Close


If I were a koala bear, I’d apparently find a gumnut tree irresistible!

I’d also be irresistibly cute and everybody would love me and want to cuddle me.

Fortunately, I’m not a koala bear.

Still, I also find certain gumnutty things irresistible – specifically, the colors and fibers of Gumnut Yarns, which hail (of course) from Australia.

In our ongoing exploration of wool threads, we’re going to look at some threads from Gumnut Yarns up close and compare them to previous wools that we’ve already explored. But before we get into the details, let’s do a General Overview of Things.

Gumnut Yarns
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Cornflower Scissor Envelope Stitch-Along: What You Need to Know!


Good morning and welcome to another Wednesday at Needle ‘n Thread…. where we are in full production mode on the new kits that are coming out for the next Stitch Snippet stitch-along: a Cornflower Scissor Envelope!

Very simple in concept, embroidered with lovely cornflowers, this little scissor envelope will encase your favorite scissors in colorful style!

Read on, and I’ll tell you what you can expect from this stitch-along, from the kit for those who want it, and with the timing of the whole project as it unfolds here on Needle ‘n Thread.

Cornflower Scissor Envelope stitch-along
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Cornflowers – Embroidery Finished & Coming Soon!


Do you ever get so excited about an embroidery project that it is constantly on your mind? That you’re always looking forward to your next encounter with it?

Do you find yourself, in those daydream moments throughout the day, imagining your next stitching session when you can immerse yourself in your needlework and let the world go by?

I love projects like that!

These cornflowers are that kind of project for me. And I’m so excited about them – and about what they will become – that I can’t help ending the week by sharing the finished embroidery with you!

I’ll also tell you what you can expect, timing-wise, with our next Stitch Snippet Stitch-Along, which features these very cornflowers.

Cornflower Embroidery Project
Continue reading “Cornflowers – Embroidery Finished & Coming Soon!”

Tambour Beading by Hannah Mansfield – Book Review


Week before last, I resurrected the topic of tambour embroidery, revisiting the tutorials, books, and projects that I’ve written about in years past.

I have a tambour embroidery project that I want to start working on soon – just a personal project that I’ve had percolating in my head for a while – and so I thought it would be a good idea to re-introduce the topic here on Needle ‘n Thread.

I also knew this book we’re going to look at today was hitting the market this year (it’s out in the UK, but won’t be out in the US until this autumn), and I wanted to review it for you. With high hopes for the book, I ordered a copy from the UK so I could show it to you up close. I’m glad I did!

Tambour Beading: Techniques and Projects
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