
A blog on software engineering by Trevor Brown

Review of the Kinesis Freestyle Edge Keyboard

In August I bought a Kinesis Freestyle Edge keyboard off of eBay. I’ve been using it for about four months now, and I’m typing this review on it. I’d been wanting to try out a split keyboard for a long time but didn’t want to spend a lot of money on one. Good quality split programmable keyboards start at around $200. The Freestyle Edge I found on eBay was new and cost only $80.

Photo of the Kinesis Freestyle Edge after 4 months of use

Show All Telemetry Events in Erlang and Elixir

Telemetry is an Erlang library for dynamically dispatching events to event handlers. Many popular Erlang and Elixir packages use the Telemetry library to emit events. Telemetry event data typically ends up in logs or metric databases like Prometheus.

Events are identified by name. You can register a function as an event handler and get invoked when events with a specific name occur. A name or list of names must be specified when registering a handler using the telemetry:attach/4 and telemetry:attach_many/4 functions.

What I Learned Building a CLI App in Rust

It’s been 8 years since I learned Elixir and since then I have not tried to learn another programming language. I have now decided to learn a systems programming language, and it seems like a good time to be learning about them. New languages like Vale and Rust combine the memory safety of a high-level language with the performance of C. Rust is very popular today but there are many other new systems languages with similar characteristics. Zig, Vlang, Nim are a few that come to mind.