n Texas Bamboo Society - a Chapter of the American Bamboo Society

Texas Bamboo Society Chapter Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Texas Bamboo Society to provide a common organization for Texas citizens interested in bamboo. Anyone is welcome to join TBS, but the primary focus will be on bamboo that works in Texas. The three goals of TBS as outlined in the bylaws include:

  • To provide a source of information on the identification, propagation, utilization, culture, and appreciation of bamboo.
  • To promote the utilization of desirable species through propagation and maintenance of stock plants for introduction and distribution to the general public.
  • To support bamboo research in the field and to establish whatever facilities deemed necessary to carry out research projects approved by the directors.

Additionally, this is your Texas Bamboo Society. As the needs of the group change, so will the focus and goals. It is the strong belief of the Board of Directors, Officers, and Regional Coordinators that inclusion and flexibility are important to the sustained growth and vitality of the group. If you are interested in participating and having an active role in building our organization, please contact Carole Meckes, President of TBS or one of the other officers.

Join the American Bamboo Society. We strongly encourage everyone to join or renew your membership online via PayPal. It is faster, easier and more secure. To get started, please complete the online application.