Texas House Democratic Campaign Commitee

The Texas HDCC leads the effort to win control of the Texas House by flipping seats from red to blue, while protecting incumbent Members. HDCC provides direct investments, candidate support services, and in-kind, paid communications. HDCC is the Texas equivalent of the DCCC.

The Texas HDCC is mission control for all investments in Texas House races. HDCC coordinates statewide strategy on Texas House races, sets standards to hold campaigns accountable, and ensures campaigns have the necessary resources to win.

What’s on the line

The Texas House is in play and it is imperative that we win. Republicans currently control the State House by 85 to 64, meaning we need to flip twelve seats to win the House.

Winning a majority in the Texas House means that Democrats have a seat at the table for the redistricting process, which will set legislative maps for the next decade. Not only will this determine the future of representation in Texas, but with up to 39 Congressional seats in Texas, it could mean Democratic control of the U.S. House for the foreseeable future.

A Democratic majority in the Texas House will ensure that meaningful progress is made for all Texans on healthcare, public education, climate change, reproductive rights, and true equality for all.