Release Energetic Patterns of Pain
Dissolve Fear Frequencies
Heal Emotional Wounds
Return To Balance & Harmony



My name is Julian.


I was born to assist the ascension of human beings.


I am a messenger of love and transformation for the planet.


I have been facilitating powerful change in people for over 20 years.



Vibrational Transformation

Albert Einstein said, “Everything in life is vibration.”

Vibration is the language of the Universe.


All of life is vibrating.


You are a divine vibrational being.


You are made of vibration and light.


All of the emotions you feel and that flow through you exist in the form of vibrations - frequencies. These frequency signatures determine the experience and the quality of your life.


Your life journey includes adventure, joy and bliss. It also includes pain, loss and suffering. This is unavoidable. These emotions are part of the unfoldment of your human experience.


But if these emotional experiences are not fully energetically processed within you, they remain stagnant, and may hold you back in the process of living you fullest life.


When You Shift Your Energetic Vibrational Your Life Has No Choice But To Shift As Well


The trauma from the pain and distress you have accumulated is stored within you at a deeply energetic level, forming emotional wounds. This is a natural process. If this energy is not released and transmuted, you can carry it with you for years (for some people, even decades).


It weighs heavy on your state of being.


You can also carry other negative frequency patterns such as fear, jealousy, resentment and regret - the result of relationship/family difficulties and conflicts - or work-relates stresses. Over time, they build up, significantly affecting your state of wellbeing and - ultimately - your vibration.


What is the result? Things seem more of a struggle. There can be a perpetual sense of sadness, frustration, low energy or motivation and a feeling of helplessness or lack of fundamental meaning for your life.



What is the new beginning for your life that you want to empower?


The purpose of my work is to free the low energetic frequencies of fear and pain that no longer serve you, bringing you back to harmony, allowing you to powerfully move forward in your life.


The world needs you to show up fully expressed, powerful, living your life on purpose.


You birthright is to be completely at peace within yourself, to live courageously and compassionately, sharing with the planet the beauty of your fullest expression.


The purpose of my work is to be the channel through which you return to your power. I am here to facilitate the transmutation of the energetic wounds you carry. I am here to release and send away the blocked patterns that are keeping you stuck. I'm here to channel the highest frequencies within your being, at the core vibrational level.


The highest frequency on the planet is the vibration of love.


This is at the core of all that I do.


And it is at the centre of who you are.


Welcome to Vibrational Transformation.


Thank you for being here.


Your presence is cherished.


I am here to be the channel for your healing.


With love.


Julian James



My Journey


My greatest teacher has been my personal journey.


As a child I battled with three debilitating speech impediments. They came all at once. They constricted my personal expression and made me feel alone. I went through long periods of suffering.


The idea of opening my mouth to speak in public terrified me.


I was ashamed of myself.


I couldn't understand why I wasn't like the people around me.


At school, I was mocked and humiliated for being 'different'.


Feelings of fear and rejection were very familiar to me.


My crippling stutter, combined with a prominent 'Lateral S' (chronic distortion of the musculature of the mouth in speech patterns), as well as excruciating jaw tension, often brought me to tears.


Sometimes the muscle tension clenched my jaw so tightly that it had an almost asphyxiating effect. My face, head and throat would ache all night, until the morning.


There was a longing inside of me to deeply express myself. But I was unable to.


I was physically and energetically stuck.


I wanted to escape from the prison of this chronic immobilizing stress and tension, but I didn't know how.


My mother took me to see several speech of therapists. They were ultimately unable to help me.


I suffered for a long time.


And in the midst of this ongoing internal struggle, through the course of my childhood and adolescence, what was also present for me was a fundamental 'knowing' that there was something I needed to share - a way I needed to be.



Inside of me was the knowing of a growing gift; something I knew I wanted and needed to share with the world. I wanted to nourish and enliven the souls of others.


It was during this time that I came to feel the vibrational patterns of what I was experiencing.


From this awareness, things changed.


I didn't yet know what this was; I just felt a sustaining quality of awareness that I possessed certain very innate gifts and insights. This awareness was present for me before I had any formal training, before I was exposed to any particular set of skills.


I found that I was able to perceive situations and individuals from an entirely energetic quality of consciousness, feeling subtle energies that most others were unable to feel, and seeing and feeling situations occur before they took place. 


More and more, I saw the people around me, not as 'flesh and bones', but as vibrational beings.


As I grew, so did this awareness.



I discovered I was able to positively influence situations and events, in ways that astounded and shocked me.


What held me back in my much younger years was being afraid of my gifts.


That was a very long time ago.


Since then I have been trained and certified in countless modalities for personal change. The cumulative tutelage I have received has been ongoing for more than two decades. Over 20 years ago I embarked upon a tenacious journey of learning and development for myself and, ultimately, for the planet. I have not stopped expanding and refining my skills.


I have trained with some of the most sought-after teachers in the world, both here in the UK and overseas.


As blessed and grateful as I am for all of the training experiences I have received, and all of the wonderful teachers I have learned from, none of those will ever come close to being as significant for me as how I have ascended through my own personal journey on this planet as a result of the trauma and challenges I've faced and conquered, and the man I have become today as a result.


My greatest teacher has been my journey.


I have always operated incredibly intuitively. I draw from a deep interior wisdom, guided by the Universal Intelligence - The Life Force - highly sensitive to, and aligned with, the energies around me, sustaining an innate trust in knowing how to apply my gifts and knowing which approach to take at any moment, equipped with a substantial spectrum of tools available to me.


The greatest healers are those who have, themselves, endured great pain.


The pain I have experienced in my life has transpired to be the greatest blessing as it has become the gateway to powerful healing for others.


To work with me personally is to draw from the experience of my own transformational journey and the wisdom that has emerged and crystallized.


The wisdom of my heart-space guides me. I'm guided by the vibration of Divine Light - the frequency of love.


What Exactly Is Vibrational Transformation?

Is It the Same As Reiki?


What I call Vibrational Transformation represents the evolution of my own personal intuitive approach to working with healing energy.


It is not specifically Reiki, but they are fundamentally related.


Unchaining yourself from the Past


Carrying around your past is the source of your pain. When you are unchained from the past - when you make peace with the past - you find your power.


Your body is intelligent beyond your wildest imagination. The way I work will unlock your potential and realign you with your divine nature, so that the events of the past no longer hold you back. With a heart of compassion, I channel a high frequency energy field which dissipates the stagnant energy of fear and negativity. Physical stress is settled. And emotional scars are set free.


You will leave feeling clear, centred, grounded, with your immune system boosted. A lot of people describe the feeling of 'being free' - the feeling of a heavy weight having been lifted from them. Feeling free to be as they wish to be in the world, without fear or hesitation.


At the deepest level, Vibrational Transformation is

about opening yourself, fully and completely, to the highest vibrations of the universe.


 I Just Feel Blocked. Can Vibrational Transformation Help Me Clear This?


When life is working, there is a sensation of ease and flow.


But what's very common is for people to feel 'stuck' or 'blocked', energetically, as a result of an accumulation of low vibrational frequency patterns.


This shows up in different ways.


It can stifle the success and progression of your business or finances. It can negatively affect the enjoyment of your marriage or love relationship. You may feel angry and frustrated far too often. Or you may sense that people feel awkward or unconformable around you for no apparent reason, and you have a hard time connecting with others and making new friends. Or maybe life, in general, just seems like an uphill struggle.


These symptoms can indicate the need for a Vibrational Cleansing.


The work that I do can be used specifically to clear away the bad, stuck frequencies which are blocking you and interfering with your life flow.


It's a restoration.


An energetic 'reset' for your entire being.



What Happens During The Session?


To begin I will hold the space for a comfortable and open conversation with you to set the direction and to establish what you would specifically like to receive from the healing.


This will allow me to set a strong intention for our work together.


During the session, you will relax flat on the table, facing upwards.


If you feel slightly cold, I will cover you with a soft warm blanket.


I will bless and clear the space before the healing commences.


You will feel a comforting sense of safety.


You do not need to do anything other than remain as comfortable and relaxed as you can.


You may close your eyes, or you may choose to keep your eyes open.


This work operates all all levels: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.


I access what I call the The Vibrational Trinity. This means that I connect to the energy of Mother Earth - grounding. I connect to the energy of the Heart Space - unconditional love. And I connect to the energy of Divine Light - for the highest good of all.


Despite what you are going through in your life right now - despite anything you are experiencing - I bring my energy to you completely free from judgement.


You will be bathed in the radiance of unconditional love.


This healing vibration both grounded and loving. It is forgiving and fortifying. It is strong, yet absolutely compassionate. This is the loving frequency that I will direct into you.


At times I may ask you to see certain imagery in your mind. I may also ask you to breathe in a particular way. If this happens, all will be gentle and slow and you will continue to feel a sense of ease and flow all around you and within you.


With your permission, I will gently place my hands under your head, on your arms and shoulders and over your heart centre. This allows me to direct healing frequencies dynamically into you.


The frequencies go directly to the areas of imbalance and disharmony, and alignment begins. I will intuitively identify and pinpoint areas that limit you. I will clear and release whatever arises within you that needs to be cleared. I often feel these as 'tangled knots' within your energy body. The old energy will be discarded so it can be recycled, and new energy will flow into you body. There is nothing to fear. You will remain relaxed, at all times feeling safe and secure.


Your bodies own natural healing capacity is accelerated.


No two people will experience this work in exactly the same way. During the healing, you may find that you see deep vibrant colours. This is very common. You may drift off, beyond relaxation, into a transcendent dream-like state. Deeply held memories may arise in your consciousness.


You will feel deep sensations within your body. A profound or very subtle emotional release. This may be in the form of tingling, or a feeling of 'lightness' or 'heaviness'. Your body may shake or tremble as trauma is released. You may also find that your body unconsciously moves in patterns or formations that are unfamiliar to you. This is very normal. Allow the process to unfold completely, and do so with great faith. 


You may find yourself overwhelmed with emotion. You may cry, experience deep sadness, happiness (often together) and a whole range of other emotions as well.


All of these expressions and sensations are a core component of the healing process.


Before we close I will also convey to you any intuitive messages that I received during the clearing.


You will emerge feeling refreshed and internally balanced. You will have a quiet mind, and an enriched sense of personal purpose.


How Many Sessions Will I Need?


One single session can be powerful enough for you to move forward experiencing a significant shift in being. Two to four sessions can completely remove stuck patterns that have lingered for a long time.


Some clients like to receive regular vibrational healing and alignment - continuous development - once a month, for example.


The answer to the question is what you find works for you.

Distant Healing


Intentionally channelled healing energies are not bound by space or time.


We are all fundamentally connected within the Universal Energy Field.


It is not necessary for you to see me in person for powerful vibrational transformation to take place.


At great convenience to you, you can receive healing wherever you are in the world.


I am able to generate a healing transmission that can enhance every aspect of your life, and you can receive and benefit from this from the comfort of your home, without having to travel.


It will begin with an open and compassionate email correspondence between us in which we will talk about your situation and the reasons you seek healing.  


I will regard all information and feelings shared between us as absolutely confidential and you can be assured that every element of my exchange with you will be upheld in this regard.


You will receive from me the greatest care in all aspects.


We will connect via video (your choice of Skype or Zoom) and the session will begin. I may ask you to lie down.


You do not need to do anything in order the receive the healing other that be still, breath consciously and be open to receiving.


After the transmission is complete, I will them speak with you and pass onto you any insights received to bring the session to a close.




Energetic Harmonising & Rebalancing

Energetic resolution of guilt, shame, relationship breakup, trauma, sadness, depression, emotional pain, loss and bereavement.

Feelings of low self worth.

Crisis Settlement.

Dealing with overwhelm.


Booking Your Healing


To book your session with me, email me directly: Julian at Vibrational Transformation dot com.


When I respond to you, we can discuss your personal situation and set up a day and time for your session.


I can also arrange to speak with you on the phone before meeting with me, if that makes you more comfortable.


I am here to serve your highest good.


I am here to enliven your mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing; to reawaken the light within your heart.


I look forward to the day we meet.


Julian James





Q: Does this have anything to do with religion?


A: The healing work that I do has nothing to do with religion. You do not need to be of any particular faith for this work to be effective. You will benefit from Vibrational Transformation regardless of your religious, spiritual or scientific beliefs. It transcends the divides of culture, race and religion. It is open and available to all people, from all countries, completely free from judgment.


Q: What are some of the additional benefits of Vibrational Transformation?

  • Deeper, more restful sleep

  • A feeling of deep restoration n body and mind

  • Greater ability to connect with your emotions

  • A calm, clear mind, free from worry and cluttered thoughts

  • Increased awareness of positivity and possibility


Copyright 2021 - Julian James International