Promoting Lifestyles Producing Quality Meats

No Artificial Hormones | No Antibiotics | No Herbicides

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Harmony Hills Farmstead began when we started eating foods produced using humane, environmentally safe practices. We want to be sure the products we consume are raised and grown in such a manner. For that reason we decided to raise our own livestock. In 2004 we purchased property in northern upstate New York, and began putting our vision into practice. Today, we are successfully raising our own beef, pork, and poultry. We proudly offer these products to family and friends, and have decided to make these same foods available to customers who share our values.


Our Philosophy 


We strive to continuously engage holistic management practices, encouraging natural husbandry and healthy environmental habitats.

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Promoting Healthy Lifestyles

We are committed to responsible, environmentally sound, sustainable farming. We use all natural methods to control pests, weeds, and erosion. Animals are raised in open pastures and on forested acreage, using feeding and grazing cycles that not only enhance the soil, air, and water quality, but also provides the animals the ability to engage in their natural behaviors.


Producing Quality Meats

Committed to quality, taste, freshness, and safety of the products we offer. Pastures and animals are free from pesticides, herbicides, added growth hormones, steroids, animal-based bi-products, and antibiotic applications.



