
The Club

The Solent Austin Seven 7 Club was started in 1972 to bring together those who have a love for the splendid little cars which were manufactured by Herbert Austin.

Since 1923, when the first models came off the production line at Longbridge factory, there has been a Worldwide affection for the Austin Seven, and an admiration for the enormous longevity which Austin built into his vehicles.

The Club meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 8pm at Shedfield Reading Rooms.  There is a warm welcome awaiting anyone who wishes to join the often lively meetings. Details of events, as well as the regular monthly meeting place are listed under Events elsewhere on this website.

Anyone wishing to join is welcome to come to one of our monthly meetings and make themselves known or contact may be made with the Secretary by email.

Apart from Club Nights the Club holds several ‘runs’ of it’s own during the year, whilst it also attends a number of events with other like-minded organisations.