Samuel T. Scott

Steilacoom Historical School District #1, Director Position 5

Welcome to my web site! 

I am asking for your support to continue serving another term on your SHSD#1 school board.

The simple truth is every student deserves the opportunity for the best possible education, to become career and college ready.

The simple truth is every mom and dad deserves the opportunity to send their children to schools providing the best possible education.

I believe in these truths!

My open letter to all school district voters.

I have a vested interest in the best possible education for every student. Our boys completed their entire K-12 education in Steilacoom schools.

Our oldest son, Sammy, graduated from SHS in 2011, middle son Ben graduated in 2014, and James graduated in 2016. Sammy graduated Summa Cum Laude from Arizona State University in May 2015, reflecting the foundation in education he received in our schools. He graduated from Baylor University's law school in August 2019 and has a position at a law firm in Dallas, TX. Ben graduated in May 2018, from the University of Utah as a pre-med major. He graduated from the Uniformed Services University for Health Sciences in May 2022 and will be entering a Surgery residency at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center as an Army physician. James received his Bachelor's degree in May 2021 and Masters degree in May 2023 from Washington State University.

There is no doubt in my mind, our boys' acceptance and successes in college were and are a result of the quality of education they received – that our teachers provide – our administrators provide – that you, our voters make possible, and your school board does its best to optimize.

Our district has improved significantly over the past several years.

Do you remember Old Pioneer?
Do you remember SHS before its extreme makeover?
Do you remember the dilapidated portable Anderson Island used for a multipurpose room?
Do you remember how small Chloe Clark was?
Do you remember the old SHS stadium, pressbox, and sod field?

Just think back to what our facilities were then and what they are now. Think of those improvements and the value they added to our district and how they enriched the educational opportunities for our children. They came in under budget and ahead of schedule!

The opportunities our students have are limited only by their drive, desire, and determination.

I helped shape the enhancements and improvements in our schools, the expansion of technology, our goals and vision, and provided common sense solutions in creating plans and solving problems.

I see a continually improving school district, moving forward towards the future, not mired in the past. I see a school district providing the opportunity for our students to reap greater rewards, higher achievements, and greater scholarships. I want all our students to have the opportunity to achieve excellence. I can help.

I have the experience, the vision, and the desire to help make it happen and I ask you for your support and vote.

The simple truth – our students deserve the best possible education!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to send me an email or give me a call.  I welcome the interaction and communication with the parents, teachers, and citizens of our school district.

Sam Scott
Phone:  (253) 376-4429