graphic showing two people with an amazing shared idea

We can help with

graphic design. communication. strategy. web design. creativity. fundraising.

Speak Clearly. Create Connection. Inspire Action.

Why Choose Lime Creative?

With two decades of experience, Lime Creative’s team of experts are your spark to launch your organization to the next level.

Expert Strategy, Design, & Implementation

What We Offer


Discover your organization's unique personality so your brand will be distinctive, unifying, and lasting.


We create and implement beautiful, effective designs that build trust and loyalty with your audience.


Completely customized website design & development to build the site that will work for your organization.

Consulting & Strategy

Get your organizational goals off the ground with a customized branding and communications plan that we'll craft together.

Why Choose Lime Creative?

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From the Blog

Words International Lime Day surrounded by slices of lime and leaves of lime tree

Happy International Lime Day!

March 10 is International Lime Day, a day set aside to—for no apparent reason—celebrate limes. For obvious reasons, I'm a fan of limes. But most people don't know that the names of Lime Creative and LimeAid actually come from the color lime green, rather than the fruit.

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Do you know what the Chromostereopsis Effect is?

Every specialty has its own insider lingo, and graphic design and color theory is no different… We’ve got some jargon! Let’s hear your guesses (Hey, cheater, no Google searching). What do you think “the chromostereopsis effect” means?

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Tips for DIY Designers: Chromostereopsis

Ever notice that when you put certain colors side-by-side, they do a Weird Thing™ to you eyes? It’s chromostereopsis! According to the Interaction Design Foundation: Chromostereopsis is a visual illusion that occurs when certain colors are placed alongside each other, making it unnecessarily difficult to focus on both colors. The...

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