Step Into My World

Beauty is often found in small, fleeting moments. Moments that can easily go by unnoticed. I strive to capture the beauty surrounding me. It could be the colors in a sunrise, a bloom on a cactus, Light pouring through a window, my fascination with a particular animal, or fireflies dancing in the night. I hope to capture the beauty of whatever subject I choose to paint and not let those moments go by unnoticed. By far, they make up the majority of our lives.

Visit Originals to see all my available work.

If you stop and watch the sky for any length of time, you realize how quickly it transforms itself. Clouds spring to life, change shape and dissipate right before your eyes. Sunrises and sunsets are the most dramatic. Almost second by second the colors grow and fade. My paintings capture one brief moment of that perpetually changing beauty.

Visit My Story to learn more about me.


18 x 18 inch | Acrylic on Panel

Birds wake with the morning light.
Stretch their wings and take flight.
Nature guides them on their way.
Rise to the joy of a new day.

The words or poems I write to accompany my paintings are equally a part of the creation process as creating the painting. This is often when the title of the piece comes to me.

Join me on Facebook or Instagram for a more personal experience. Click on FAQ for all Social Media details.

Summer Day Dreaming
18x24 inch | Acrylic on Panel

Appreciate the beauty of our wild, untamed places. Perceive how the colors of the sky and land interact. Observe the textures and patterns throughout. Discover how each plant interweaves with the next. Change your perspective to lose yourself in a summer day dream.

Visit Musings to sign up for my blog. I promise you won't be overrun with emails. It will feature newly available paintings, works in progress and news of shows or other big happenings.

Long Distance Call
12x12 inch | Acrylic on Panel

Howls pierce the silence and send chills down your spine, but there is no need for fear. They simply say, “I am here.” Finding comfort in each other with these long-distance calls.

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The Art Storefronts Organization has verified that this Art Seller has published information about the archival materials used to create their products in an effort to provide transparency to buyers.

Description from Merchant:

Professional grade artist panels are used for the painting surface which has been primed. Golden brand acrylic paints used to create the pieces. They are all sealed with gloss or matte gel finish from Liquitex brand. To my knowledge there have been no complaints regarding the quality of my original paintings over the past 20 years. I also sell through 2 galleries. One is in Dallas, Texas and one in Granbury, TX. They have received no complaints as well.


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