APTi Program
June 20th, 2024
9am - 10:30am PT / 10am - 11:30am MT / 
11am - 12:30pm CT / 12pm - 1:30pm ET   

Striking a Balance between
Thinking and Feeling

 Presented Virtually by Sue Blair

Known as the decision-making functions, the four Thinking and Feeling functions (Te, Ti, Fe, Fi) hold the power to alienate or accommodate. We can cause offense or be offended ourselves when we fail to consider what people with a different judging function preference than ours really need.

This session gives clear visual impressions of what these four functions actually look like and offers questions we can ask ourselves in order to find balance. If we have the skills, and presence of mind, to reach out to our non-preferred functions, especially in times of stress, our ability to use integrity through the decision-making process is greatly enhanced.

By understanding this important human diversity we can build better relationships and find better solutions.   


Sue Blair has been working with psychological type for over 20 years. She is an international presenter and keynote speaker, as well as a qualified MBTI®  practitioner and adult educator. She is the author of The Personality Puzzle coaching cards, now used worldwide by coaches and counsellors.  She has taught thousands of teachers, parents, students and businesses about the importance of self-awareness and communication.

Current APTi members - Subscriber/Premium/Loyal/Lifetime: FREE

Current APTi members - Basic (chapter): FREE with discount code chaptermember

Current members of British APT, AusAPT, and other global partner APT organizations: FREE with discount code - APTpartner

First time visitors - FREE with discount code #1visitor

Returning visitors - $20


 All registrants will receive a link to the recorded session.

Register Now!

Virtual Winter Conference Keynote Recordings


Candid is a central resource for information on U.S. nonprofits that monitors and rates organizations efficiency and effectiveness.  It is the product of the 2019 merger of GuideStar with Foundation Center.