Social Farms & Gardens


Nature, mental health, and equity. Highlights from the kick-off meeting of the GreenME project

The pioneering GreenME project will study how exposure to nature can be integrated in healthcare systems to treat and improve mental health for all. It officially launched its...

Seven years ago the Green Care Coalition (GCC) was set up to promote the commissioning and use of Green Care services. The term Green Care is an umbrella term that covers;

  • Social and Therapeutic Horticulture
  • Care farming
  • Ecotherapy
  • Animal Assisted Services...

Camau Gwyrdd is a new three year Wales project funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and aims to remove barriers to tackling climate change through inspiring and empowering individuals and their communities to take their first steps towards climate action.

How is it going...


Monday, June 10, 2024 - 12:30 to 14:00
Ensuring Inclusion with Weighted Applications Join us as Francesca from Walworth Garden walks us through their process of weighting applications according to personal characteristics that are often...
Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 04:00 to 05:00
Local networks of community growing groups: What works. Join Miriam from our Northern Ireland team to discuss local networks of community-growing groups. There will be ample time for questions and...
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 16:30
Gardeniser Pro - online training Gardeniser Pro is the only course developed specifically to support and train the key, professional role of community garden manager or facilitator, with every aspect...